Melee and Smash4 Tournament
September 19th
Pittsburgh, PA
September 19th
Pittsburgh, PA
Pitt Smash Bros. Club is back with our first fall tournament.
Why should you attend?
* Same large venue as WYMW2
* Round robin pools and Amateur Bracket for as much as 4 times the usual tournament experience
* Professional livestream broadcasts by pghneohsmash
* Multiple Recording Setups
O'Hara Student Center- Dining Room
4024 O'Hara Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
The O'Hara Student Center is the premiere event venue for the University of Pittsburgh. Same Large room previously used for Fight Pitt 3, 4 and WYMW2
Drop off information coming soon.
A nearby parking solution is the Soldiers and Sailors Parking Garage right around the corner, which has a $5 weekend rate. For other options, please see
4024 O'Hara Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15213

The O'Hara Student Center is the premiere event venue for the University of Pittsburgh. Same Large room previously used for Fight Pitt 3, 4 and WYMW2
Drop off information coming soon.
A nearby parking solution is the Soldiers and Sailors Parking Garage right around the corner, which has a $5 weekend rate. For other options, please see
Venue Fee: $5 at the door, $0 if you bring a full setup or a Gamecube/Wii and disk that is used
Melee Doubles Fee: $5 per person, $10 per team
Melee Singles Fee: $10 per person
Entry is available to the general public. If you're coming, please post in the thread so we know you're coming.
Player Checklist:
1. Bring your own controller.
2. Bring the appropriate amount of money. Exact amount is appreciated, but not required.
3. (Optional) A full setup. Waives your venue fee.
A full setup for Melee consists of a CRT TV, Gamecube/Wii, Melee disc, and a completed Melee save file on a memory card. Partial Setup is either a CRT TV or a Gamecube/Wii and Melee disc
Payouts :
(32 entrants or less)
1st: 66.5 %
2nd: 20 %
3rd: 13.5 %
(33-64 entrants)
1st: 60%
2nd: 20%
3rd: 13.5%
4th: 6.5%
(65-99 entrants)
1st: 55%
2nd: 20%
3rd: 13.5%
4th: 6.5%
5th: 2.5%
5th: 2.5%
(100+ entrants)
1st: 52%
2nd: 20%
3rd: 13.5%
4th: 6.5%
5th: 2.5%
5th: 2.5%
7th: 1.5%
7th: 1.5%
Melee Doubles Fee: $5 per person, $10 per team
Melee Singles Fee: $10 per person
Entry is available to the general public. If you're coming, please post in the thread so we know you're coming.
Player Checklist:
1. Bring your own controller.
2. Bring the appropriate amount of money. Exact amount is appreciated, but not required.
3. (Optional) A full setup. Waives your venue fee.
A full setup for Melee consists of a CRT TV, Gamecube/Wii, Melee disc, and a completed Melee save file on a memory card. Partial Setup is either a CRT TV or a Gamecube/Wii and Melee disc
Payouts :
(32 entrants or less)
1st: 66.5 %
2nd: 20 %
3rd: 13.5 %
(33-64 entrants)
1st: 60%
2nd: 20%
3rd: 13.5%
4th: 6.5%
(65-99 entrants)
1st: 55%
2nd: 20%
3rd: 13.5%
4th: 6.5%
5th: 2.5%
5th: 2.5%
(100+ entrants)
1st: 52%
2nd: 20%
3rd: 13.5%
4th: 6.5%
5th: 2.5%
5th: 2.5%
7th: 1.5%
7th: 1.5%
10:00AM Doors Open
11:00AM Smash 4 Registration Ends
12:00pm Doubles Registration Ends
2:30pm Singles Registration Ends
11:00AM Smash 4 Registration Ends
12:00pm Doubles Registration Ends
2:30pm Singles Registration Ends
Super Smash Brothers Melee:
General Rules
- Game Settings: 4 Stocks, 8 Minute Time Limit
- Items are disabled.
- Stalling with moves such as Jigglypuff's Rising Pound or Peach's Wall Bomber is banned
- Glitches such as Ice Climbers’s Freeze Glitch and Mewtwo’s Soul Stunner are banned.
- Pause option is disabled in the game menu. If left on, accidental pausing mid match forfeits a stock.
- You may not choose any stage you have won on during a set, unless agreed by both players.
- A tie is determined by most stocks, and then if still tied, by percentage. If percentage is tied, the match is fully replayed.
- Playing as Master Hand is banned
- Wobbling is Legal, wobbling past %250 is considered stalling
Doubles Rules
- Friendly Fire enabled
- Life stealing stocks from a teammate is allowed
- Please note Kongo Jungle is not a legal doubles counter pick
Stage List
Neutral Stages- Final Destination
- Battlefield
- Yoshi’s Story
- Dream Land
- Fountain of Dreams [Singles Only]
- Pokemon Stadium [Doubles Only]
Counter-Pick Stages
- Pokemon Stadium [Singles Only]
Match Procedure
- Players select their characters. Either player may choose to Blind Pick. In this case, each player secretly tells a third player their character before picking with the third player verifying their selections.
- Players play Rock-Paper-Scissors. Winner chooses between selecting controller port or first Stage Strike
- Players take turns removing stages from the Neutral Stages list above based upon the results of the previous rule. The first player to strike removes one(1) stage from the list, the second player removes two(2), and the first player then chooses from the remaining two(2) stages.
- Either player may elect for neutral start
- The players play the first match of the set
- Winning player of the preceding match bans a stage from the full list of stages, both Neutral and Counter-Pick. Does not apply to Best of 5 sets.
- The Losing player of the preceding match picks a stage for the next match. Cannot choose the stage banned in the previous step, nor a stage they've already won on during this set, unless agreed.
- The winning player of the preceding match may choose to change characters.
- The losing player of the preceding match may choose to change characters.
- The losing player of the preceding match may change their controller port.
- The next match is played
- Repeat Steps 5 through 10 for all subsequent matches until the set is complete.
Super Smash Brother for WiiU
Rule Set
- 2 Stock
- 6 min stock timer
- Items are set to "off" and "none"
- If the timer runs out, the victor is determined first by stock and then by percentage. If there is a tie, see the tiebreaker section to follow.
- BYOC (Bring your own controller). I recommend having a spare, just in case.
- Any controller malfunction mid match is on you. If you need to reset, your opponent will have to agree to a reset as doing so will require you to pause the match. (if pause is on).
- Stalling is banned. You know what this is, ask if you're unsure.
- If you freeze the game on an action initiated by your character, you lose the game. You are expected to know the boundaries of your character. (This rarely, if ever, happens.)
- Pause is recommended to be turned on for quick resets, but players can request it be turned off for the duration of their match.
- If a player pauses the match mid game (accidentally or intentionally), it is a stock loss to the player who pressed it (unless for valid interruption at T.O's discretion).
- For a match ending in sudden death, please refer to the tie break section of the rules below.
- Coaching mid-match is banned. Don't do it.
- You cannot re-select a stage you have won on as a counterpick.
- Any and all infinites (basically, where someone can control the opponent without them being able to do anything about it) must end at ~300%, otherwise it becomes stalling. All infinites are entirely legal otherwise.
- ALL sets are best 2 of 3 games except for winner’s finals, losers finals and grand finals. Those sets will be best 3 of 5 games.
- 2 stage bans on your opponent’scounterpick
- Custom moves/equipment are banned.
- Gamecube controllers are highly recommended, as wireless options can cause interference issues with setups. If you're using a wireless controller option, please make sure you aren't sync'd up to a setup you are not currently playing on.
- Default Mii with 1-1-1-1 are legal for tournament play.
- Mewtwo, Roy, Ryu, and Lucas are all legal in tournament play. All consoles must contain these characters.
Set Procedure:
1. Character selection
2. Stage strike rules. First match is played on one of the five starter stages. First player strikes one stage. Second player strikes two stages. First player strikes one more stage and the stage remaining is where game one takes place. These strikes only affect game one and are available for games two and three.
3. Play Game one
4. Winning player announces the two stages he/she bans.
5. Loser of previous match announces next match's stage from the legal stages left.
6. Winner of previous match chooses character
7. Loser of previous match chooses character
8. Play next game
9. Rinse and repeat 4-8 if set goes to a third game.
Stage rules:
- Smash for Wii U Starter Stages
Final Destination/Omega Stages with stage-spikes
Town and City
Lylat Cruise
- Smash for Wii U Counterpick Stages (2 stage bans)
Delfino Plaza
Duck Hunt
Castle Siege
Dreamland 64
Omega stages without stage spikes
Stage similarity issues:
Certain stages are deemed to be too similar to each other to warrant their own seperate bans. The following stages will be banned as well when their corresponding stage is banned
*Note: If Battlefield is banned in the stage selection process, Miiverse is also banned
*Note: If Final Destination is banned in the stage selection process, all Omegas are banned as well.
Tie Breaking:
Note: Tiebreaking is only initiated if the game started a sudden death round upon completion. Otherwise, the game declared winner is the winner of the match.
1. Winner is determined by highest stock count then lowest percent. If the % were tied or the match ended in a simultaneous death, proceed to step 2.
2. 1 stock, 3 minute match is played as a tiebreaker match. The winner of this match wins the round. If there is a tie in this match, proceed to step 3.
3. A second 1 stock, no time limit match is played. If a simultaneous death is initiated (such as swallocide) in this match, the initiator loses the match. There is no tie for this match, it is play until you win.
- 2 Stock
- 6 min stock timer
- Items are set to "off" and "none"
- If the timer runs out, the victor is determined first by stock and then by percentage. If there is a tie, see the tiebreaker section to follow.
- BYOC (Bring your own controller). I recommend having a spare, just in case.
- Any controller malfunction mid match is on you. If you need to reset, your opponent will have to agree to a reset as doing so will require you to pause the match. (if pause is on).
- Stalling is banned. You know what this is, ask if you're unsure.
- If you freeze the game on an action initiated by your character, you lose the game. You are expected to know the boundaries of your character. (This rarely, if ever, happens.)
- Pause is recommended to be turned on for quick resets, but players can request it be turned off for the duration of their match.
- If a player pauses the match mid game (accidentally or intentionally), it is a stock loss to the player who pressed it (unless for valid interruption at T.O's discretion).
- For a match ending in sudden death, please refer to the tie break section of the rules below.
- Coaching mid-match is banned. Don't do it.
- You cannot re-select a stage you have won on as a counterpick.
- Any and all infinites (basically, where someone can control the opponent without them being able to do anything about it) must end at ~300%, otherwise it becomes stalling. All infinites are entirely legal otherwise.
- ALL sets are best 2 of 3 games except for winner’s finals, losers finals and grand finals. Those sets will be best 3 of 5 games.
- 2 stage bans on your opponent’scounterpick
- Custom moves/equipment are banned.
- Gamecube controllers are highly recommended, as wireless options can cause interference issues with setups. If you're using a wireless controller option, please make sure you aren't sync'd up to a setup you are not currently playing on.
- Default Mii with 1-1-1-1 are legal for tournament play.
- Mewtwo, Roy, Ryu, and Lucas are all legal in tournament play. All consoles must contain these characters.
Set Procedure:
1. Character selection
2. Stage strike rules. First match is played on one of the five starter stages. First player strikes one stage. Second player strikes two stages. First player strikes one more stage and the stage remaining is where game one takes place. These strikes only affect game one and are available for games two and three.
3. Play Game one
4. Winning player announces the two stages he/she bans.
5. Loser of previous match announces next match's stage from the legal stages left.
6. Winner of previous match chooses character
7. Loser of previous match chooses character
8. Play next game
9. Rinse and repeat 4-8 if set goes to a third game.
Stage rules:
- Smash for Wii U Starter Stages
Final Destination/Omega Stages with stage-spikes
Town and City
Lylat Cruise
- Smash for Wii U Counterpick Stages (2 stage bans)
Delfino Plaza
Duck Hunt
Castle Siege
Dreamland 64
Omega stages without stage spikes
Stage similarity issues:
Certain stages are deemed to be too similar to each other to warrant their own seperate bans. The following stages will be banned as well when their corresponding stage is banned
*Note: If Battlefield is banned in the stage selection process, Miiverse is also banned
*Note: If Final Destination is banned in the stage selection process, all Omegas are banned as well.
Tie Breaking:
Note: Tiebreaking is only initiated if the game started a sudden death round upon completion. Otherwise, the game declared winner is the winner of the match.
1. Winner is determined by highest stock count then lowest percent. If the % were tied or the match ended in a simultaneous death, proceed to step 2.
2. 1 stock, 3 minute match is played as a tiebreaker match. The winner of this match wins the round. If there is a tie in this match, proceed to step 3.
3. A second 1 stock, no time limit match is played. If a simultaneous death is initiated (such as swallocide) in this match, the initiator loses the match. There is no tie for this match, it is play until you win.
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