Smash Journeyman

Join the Mod-Squad!
Project M is ALIVE Wednesdays @ Hitbox Arena
Join this event here:
You can find all the live action @
Doors open - 5:00pm
Bracket Reg - 6:00pm
Singles Bracket starts - 8:00pm
Venue Special: $7
Entry: $7
Text the Mod-line for more info @ 201-704-3802
1st: 60%
2nd: 30%
3rd: 10%
New Payout rules!!! Now more people have a chance to get in on it!
11 or less players in bracket - 1st & 2nd only - 65/35
24 or more - 1st-4th 60/25/10/5
32 or more - 1st-6th 55/20/12/8/5 (6th receives 1/2 price venue at next tournament)
48 or more - 1st-8th 50/20/10/10/5/5 (7-8 receive 1/2 price venue at next tournament)
Please feel free to
like us @
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visit us @
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We are located @
25 Kinnelon Road
Kinnelon, NJ 07405
Some images of Hitbox Arena!

RULES (Project M): 4 stock, 8 minute time limit
All items set to off and none
Sets are best of 3, winners/losers/grand finals are best of 5.
Either player may call for a double blind character selection for the first match.
Dave's Stupid Rule: A player may not counterpick any stage he or she has already won on in a set.
Controller ports decided by rock paper scissors if no agreement is reached. For doubles, ports are 1-2-2-1.
Team attack is on, share stock is allowed.
If the game is paused, the player who did not pause the game may choose to make the player who paused the game lose a stock. Gameplay resumes normally afterward.
Quitting out of a match before it is over will result in a loss for the player who quit.
If time runs out, the player who is winning by stock and percent is declared the victor. In the case of a stock and percent tie, a 1 stock 3 minute match will be played with the same characters and stage.
If a match goes to sudden death due to a suicide move, the player who initiated the move is declared the victor.
Buffer is disabled.
Custom controls are allowed, controllers with performance-enhancing modifications such as turbo buttons are not. Modifications that do not explicitly alter performance, such as swapped analog sticks or springless shoulder buttons, are allowed.
In the event of a game crash or power outage, the set count remains the same as prior to the crash, and the match that was being played is restarted with the same characters and stage. If a player intentionally initiates a game crash via glitch, he/she takes a game loss.
Mid-match coaching is allowed if both players have only one coach each. Pre-match coaching or consultation is unrestricted.
Giga Bowser is banned.
Stage list:
For the first match, stage strike the starter list in 1-2-2-1 fashion. After a game concludes, the winner of the previous match bans a stage for the rest of the set. In best of 5 sets, this process is not repeated for multiple bans.
-Final Destination
-Pokemon Stadium 2
-Dream Land 64
-Fountain of Dreams
-Yoshi's Story (singles only)
-SSE: Jungle (doubles only)
-Yoshi's Island
-Pokemon Stadium
-Lylat Cruise
-Green Hill Zone
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