Smash Legend

New Game+
OSAKA Japanese Sushi & Steak House @Coolidge Corner
Tuesdays starting April 28th, 6:30PM - 11:30PM
Venue Fee: 5$ (Waived if you bring a Full Setup)
Entry Fee: 5$
Sign-ups close at 7:20PM
If you Bring a Full Setup (CRT / BenQ RL2460HT + Wii/Gamecube with Melee) your venue fee is waived.
Please arrive before 7:20pm. We are going to start locking sign ups at that time. IF you will be arriving after 7:20pm inform us via FB or text! There's 6 of us in the team, but ideally reach out to Matthew Zaborowski, David Vu, or Colin Fyffe.
We will not be allowing anyone to enter the bracket after 7:20pm if you just show up and not inform us ahead of time. We will use the 10 minutes from then to 7:30pm to seed and start as on-the-dot as we can.
If you tell us you're coming and arrive after 7:45pm you will be placed into losers. If you have still not arrived by 8pm you will be completely DQ'd. Please don't tell us you're showing up and then arrive late or not at all, this will muck up the bracket.
We have our own private function area in the O bar of Osaka(located in the basement).
Getting there by T:
Take the Green Line C line to Coolidge Corner stop. It's located in the middle of NEU BC and BU
There is plenty of parking along Beacon street near Coolidge Corner. Meters run until 8'o clock! Meaning if you show up at 7, just feed the meter for 1 hour, after 8PM parking is free. There is limited parking on the street that Osaka is located on, but you can get lucky!
Pictures of Venue:
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