Smash Rookie
Hi there, obviously new here, so names Sebastian, people call me Seb.
I'm 21, been a fan of Smash since Melee's release.
Typically play on my own, won a local event once back when I was 13, but never went further then that.
Who I main concurrently for the latest Smash at the time:
, Both 
. I dabble in
, and finally love to mess with 
(man I love these icons..)
Shulk is someone who I find is a fun and rather tricky one to learn.. can't wait to see someone go pro with him.
As for why I'm here, simple, I wanted to see the community, check it out and maybe meet people if I ever am able to go to an local event.
on that note, no I don't go to tournaments..yet.
other interest's are Anime, Sketching and learning animation. Other games: RPG's yes please.
Annnd yeah, pretty chill guy, typically quiet unless I -have- to voice something out.
So hope to see what the sites got in store!
I'm 21, been a fan of Smash since Melee's release.
Typically play on my own, won a local event once back when I was 13, but never went further then that.
Who I main concurrently for the latest Smash at the time:
Shulk is someone who I find is a fun and rather tricky one to learn.. can't wait to see someone go pro with him.
As for why I'm here, simple, I wanted to see the community, check it out and maybe meet people if I ever am able to go to an local event.
on that note, no I don't go to tournaments..yet.
other interest's are Anime, Sketching and learning animation. Other games: RPG's yes please.
Annnd yeah, pretty chill guy, typically quiet unless I -have- to voice something out.
So hope to see what the sites got in store!