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Scratching the surface of Wolf's Shine Invincibility frames

Peregrinus Falconidae

Smash Journeyman
Jul 14, 2008
Eastern Australia

I have been lurking here a while, and I have noticed that many people are unsure of using Wolf's shine as a weapon, both defensively and offensively. I have finally acquired Brawl, and after an amount of testing have decided to give this community a boost with using Wolf's Shine Invincibility. At the time of first posting I have only begun my ideas and tests, so this first topic will not contain much.

How it works

When you press the down and B buttons at the same time, wolf will activate his reflector, which is often known as the Shine.
During the time between when you press the buttons and the reflector appearing on screen though, you have a few invincibility frames. This results in wolf's reflector being used almost as a counter, to take the attack and then give back damage.


- Wolf's reflector can be used to dodge certain Final Smashes such as Links if one is not able to reach the buttons to do a dodge in time.
- When close to an opponent who you know is going to land a heavy blow on you, activate when you judge the attack will make contact. If done right, you will take nothing from their attack and damage them, possibly setting up combos.
- When being juggled, Wolf's shine can be used as an alternate air dodge if used properly. For example, your opponent moves up to attack you. You activate the Shine to avoid their attack, and strike back, giving you a safe landing. This is a nice method, but should only be used when you know it will work.

As it is, this will be my first post, and I hope it is informative.
Might I add, also, that I have only scratched the surface of this technique. In future, we may have even more advanced methods, who knows? Updates will be given every time I discover something else, and credit will be given to those who deserve it.


Smash Master
Dec 19, 2002
somewhere sunny
Nice first post, but this information is actually quite well known by many Wolf players. But thanks for trying. And welcome to Smashboards.

Peregrinus Falconidae

Smash Journeyman
Jul 14, 2008
Eastern Australia
I realise many Wolf players would know this, but this is mainly for those who don't and also to give a good first post.
If Koskinator ever reads this I would like to request his brawl FC and Wii number to get replays of Wolf and learn; I read in another topic that you were sending them out.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 25, 2008
Philadelphia area
The thing is, we have an overall Wolf guide topic stickied which includes this information, so it's just kinda superfluous.

Also, for the record, you cannot set up any combos with the reflector. You can often catch opponents off guard with it and follow up with another hit, but if they are prepared they will always have time to defend no matter what attack you use next.

Not saying it isn't a good tactic, but there has been a LOT of talk about using the reflector to start "combos" and it's just going to confuse people new to the character.

Peregrinus Falconidae

Smash Journeyman
Jul 14, 2008
Eastern Australia
I understand that thre is something on the reflector in the guide. Don't get me wrong there. I just found the guide to be lacking a more explanatory use of it. For all I care, this could be incorporated into the guide, but I'm just giving something for those who: a) Don't read the guide but read something like this, or b) Weren't satisfied with the information given in the guide.

For the record, pro tournament players will mostly be ready for it, but it DOES catch people off balance sometimes to have a killing move nullified and taking damage, and works well for midgames. Outside tournaments, however, not many people use or expect this and so it can be used to combo sometimes.
It IS hard to combo with it though, I'll admit.
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