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Samus matchups


Smash Ace
Mar 30, 2008
Any tips? From fighting my good friend Shadowth7, I've noticed a few things in samus's attack pattern, but I've only been able to punish with my main, snake. Those are:

Lots of true combos *aka auto-canceled dair or fair into dtilt or uptilt or up b*
Canceling the lag on missiles allows for nice setup moves
Has high mobility, and quick dodges *bomb dodging SUCKS... stinking morph ball*
Spike move is perhaps one of the best in the game
Can recover well, due to bomb jumping and stalling
Extra floaty makes it hard to combo her, and lets her combo better

Low killing power
Footstool = dead
Light weight allows for easy kills
Floatyness keeps her vulnerable in the air
Somewhat predictable approaches, and VERY predictable defense

Ok, the lowdown on what my snake has cracked into the armor of samus:
Samus's ground moves are lacking in range, but the fsmash is the main worry, despite its laggyness in throwing out.
Also, biggest thing I've noticed is most of samus's moves are preceded by a shorthop or a bomb getting laid down. You're not gonna be hitting samus with any low moves often.
Also, grapple beam, amazing range, can be combod with missiles and beam and other moves *dash attack sometimes*

How my snake reacts: I approach with nairs. Punches through missles, and has heavy damage. Utilts stop approaches quickly, and make her vulnerable in the air. When camping the edge, I place c4s down to utilze its massive low hitbox, trust me, I've stage spiked many a shiek and lucario this way. I've also noticed that samus's love BF, because the platforms let them up b through em, as well as protects them from people dropping down on them. That's a weakness too.

Now... we need a FALCON counter to samus. Let the brainstorming begin!

As for me, I believe that approaching with nair and falcon kick could help. Just as long as you don't get predictable and start eating dairs or bairs. Your jab breaks missles, and I have yet to see if falcon can duck under grapple with his crouch. Needless to say, You'll be shielding ALOT here. Once samus is off the stage, focus on spiking her, not uairs *doesn't mean you can't* Her vertical recovery isn't astonishing, I've gimped samus with fox's reflector and she couldn't come back

Force samus to play a close range game, and BEWARE OF Dtilt DURING A JAB COMBO. Trust me, I've lost matches because of this. I think falcon can make this work, his speed and power can make samus nervous of getting early killed by the elbow or utilt.

Comments? Additions?

Red Alloy

Smash Apprentice
May 1, 2008
I haven't got much experience against Samus (meaning none) but from what I do know, she's in the same tier as us. Ganon's jab beats her Charge Shot, so we might have something along those lines, too.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 29, 2006
i have so much experience against samus lol
anyway, samus is definitely not light weight
with good DI and her incredible recovery, she usually lives till 140%+ if u can't land a strong finisher early on.
samus is truely a solid character that most ppl in the community don't know about
her projectile game's probably equal to Tlink's
and smart samus will use her missles and zair as a long range jab and follow up with a lot of stuffs
in my opinion falcon : samus = 50:50

the best thing falcon has over samus is the jab grab
it even stops her upb which a smart samus always do when they r being close range pressure
*a jab grab to an up throw
don't do f and d throw because once u throw her she can di in front of u and zair u to stop any follow up by the throw
always watch out for the zair, it gets really predictable after u r used to it
my friend's samus hardly lands any zair on me now days
close range pressure is the best way to defeat samus
it still really depends on the player lvl tho,
samus's tricks look hella awsome if u search for tudor's samus videos
lots of mind games, so its not a character u can take lightly


Smash Ace
Mar 30, 2008
Also, samus has nasty off stage tricks, if you get below her get ready to start dodging spikes. Some times she'll camp the ledge and try to get you to whiff a stage spike so she can spike YOU instead.


Mar 16, 2007
Samus is not light weight in any sense of the word. If you go solely for off the side KOs, she could live up to 200%. The reason you don't run into this as Snake is that most of Snakes KOers hit people up, which is good against Samus' floatiness.

Captain Falcon has more trouble. His only reliable off the top KOer is usmash. You can probably run one of these through missile spam if necessary, but since it's a very good KOer, Samus will be watching for it.
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