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Sakurai or nintendo or whoever is in charge of online needs to fix this.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 18, 2015
Your wife's bed
1. When you quit, you usually back all the way out. Well your ban time doesn't actually start, it starts when you pick 'one player'. It also happens if you turn off your wii u at the results screen, you get banned for it.

2. They should make it That you get banned the 3rd time you quit, since nintendo is so goddamn lazy to do anything about the online. Seriously smash online is worse than cod and that's saying something.

3. I have my cstick set to smash attack but when I flick the cstick, instead of doing a smash attack, it jabs

4. When playing 2v2, alot of times, I get partnered with the same terrible partner 9/10 times. You should have a different partner every 3 games.
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Smash Journeyman
Nov 10, 2014
I've had #3 happen to me before. I thought it was just me.

#4 has been happening to a lot of us.
Call Nintendo.
We can't do anything about it.
I've been dealing with that ban for a week now and I've called Nintendo three times.
It's gotta be persistent and consistent. They won't fix anything if only a couple people call
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