Smash Journeyman
If there's three people with RMT's here, then I guess I should post one as well. This team is going to be a Sunny Day team and it can kick anyone's *** with style.
Roserade@Wise Glasses
EV/ 6 HP/ 252 Spatk/ 252 Spd
-Sunny Day
-Weather Ball
-HP Ground
For a Roserade, this gets good coverage, only resisted by Pokemon of Fire/Flying or Dragon/Flying in the OU environment, and those have 4x weaknesses I can exploit. And I was wondering if I should put Leaf Storm on it if it can learn it leveling up. HP Ground to hit Heatran and other Steels not named Skarmory(Weather Ball) hard
* - already bred; has this nature and HP Ground at 70 Pwr
EV/ 252 HP/ 228 Def/ 28 Spd
-Power Whip
-Knock Off
-Sleep Powder
-Leech Seed
This just seems so awesome on a Sunny Day team. Leech Seed for easy healing, and the rest is standard. May switch out for Donphan.
Heatran@Life Orb
EV/ 6 HP/ 252 Spatk/ 252 Spd
-Land Power
-Dragon Pulse
On a Suuny Day themed team, there's going to be a lot weak to Fire. This, I hope, would be the cure. Overheat to hit anything that doesn't resist this VERY hard, Flamethrower late in the game, Land Power for coverage and if Roserade fails, and Dragon Pulse for them Dragons. This will get in if I see Specsmence try to Flamethrower Tangrowth, so this beast gets it's boost. Then they'll switch to a counter, and that's when I'll Overheat them to hell.
EV/ 6 HP/ 252 Spatk/ 252 Spd
-Baton Pass
-Thunder Wave
During the creation of this team, I noticed I was Starmie/Togekiss weak. So I put this in to outspeed and kill it. Subpasses to whoever is in need of it, and Thunder Wave to cripple any fast pokemon or pokemon who rely on speed in general, such as Togekiss. He'll switch in on any Thunder Wave I see coming. May use Electivire instead.
Yanmega@Expert Belt
EV/ 6 Def/ 252 Spatk/ 252 Spd
-Bug Buzz
-Air Slash
-Shadow Ball
This kills all who are prone to it. It's my Heracross counter as it outspeeds it after a Speed Boost and Slashes it. Also kills Psychic pokemon and catches Gengars and such off guard with Shadow Ball. Therefore, it's awesome.
EV/ 148 HP/ 252 Def/ 108 Spatk
-Calm Mind
-Ice Beam
Standard CMBliss.
Roserade@Wise Glasses
EV/ 6 HP/ 252 Spatk/ 252 Spd
-Sunny Day
-Weather Ball
-HP Ground
For a Roserade, this gets good coverage, only resisted by Pokemon of Fire/Flying or Dragon/Flying in the OU environment, and those have 4x weaknesses I can exploit. And I was wondering if I should put Leaf Storm on it if it can learn it leveling up. HP Ground to hit Heatran and other Steels not named Skarmory(Weather Ball) hard
* - already bred; has this nature and HP Ground at 70 Pwr
EV/ 252 HP/ 228 Def/ 28 Spd
-Power Whip
-Knock Off
-Sleep Powder
-Leech Seed
This just seems so awesome on a Sunny Day team. Leech Seed for easy healing, and the rest is standard. May switch out for Donphan.
Heatran@Life Orb
EV/ 6 HP/ 252 Spatk/ 252 Spd
-Land Power
-Dragon Pulse
On a Suuny Day themed team, there's going to be a lot weak to Fire. This, I hope, would be the cure. Overheat to hit anything that doesn't resist this VERY hard, Flamethrower late in the game, Land Power for coverage and if Roserade fails, and Dragon Pulse for them Dragons. This will get in if I see Specsmence try to Flamethrower Tangrowth, so this beast gets it's boost. Then they'll switch to a counter, and that's when I'll Overheat them to hell.
EV/ 6 HP/ 252 Spatk/ 252 Spd
-Baton Pass
-Thunder Wave
During the creation of this team, I noticed I was Starmie/Togekiss weak. So I put this in to outspeed and kill it. Subpasses to whoever is in need of it, and Thunder Wave to cripple any fast pokemon or pokemon who rely on speed in general, such as Togekiss. He'll switch in on any Thunder Wave I see coming. May use Electivire instead.
Yanmega@Expert Belt
EV/ 6 Def/ 252 Spatk/ 252 Spd
-Bug Buzz
-Air Slash
-Shadow Ball
This kills all who are prone to it. It's my Heracross counter as it outspeeds it after a Speed Boost and Slashes it. Also kills Psychic pokemon and catches Gengars and such off guard with Shadow Ball. Therefore, it's awesome.
EV/ 148 HP/ 252 Def/ 108 Spatk
-Calm Mind
-Ice Beam
Standard CMBliss.