Perpetual Lazy Bum
New hail team!
Alakazam @ Choice Specs ** Jerry Springer
EVs: 252 SpAtk/6 SpDef/252 Spd
Modest Nature (+SpAtk, -Atk)
-Charge Beam
-Shadow Ball
Trickzam. Modest Nature stab Psychics tear through pretty much anything not immune to it, CBs add up quickly. Trick Screws over Blissey, Skarm, and any Physical sweeper. Shadow Ball is mainly filler.
I was going to give him Timid, but he's still fast enough to outrun alot of stuff.
Abomasnow @ Life Orb ** Barack Obamasnow
Snow Warning
EVs: 252 Hp/252 Atk/6 Def
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SpAtk)
-Ice Shard
-Focus Punch
-Wood Hammer
-Leech Seed
My favorite Abomasnow set. Kills dragons, Blisseys, and some Swamperts. Leech Seed helps to counteract Life Orb.
Azelf @ Life Orb ** Coney Island disco palace
EVs: 252 SpAtk/252 Spd/6 Hp
Naive Nature (+Spd, -SpDef)
-Energy Ball/Thunder Bolt/Ice Beam
Awsome sweeper/Blissey killer/Forretress killer/Skarm killer. 3rd move... Which should I use?
Lapras @ Leftovers ** Pimpkrow
Water Absorb
EVs: 70 Hp/252 Atk/188 Spd
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SpAtk)
-Ice Shard
-Heal Bell
-Dragon Dance
DDLapras. Kills dragons and can heal my party. Gets walled by other waters... But this is Lapras's useable physical movepool. Rather bulky, too.
Regice @ Leftovers ** Regirice
Clear Body
EVs: 252 Hp/152 Def/106 SpDef
Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)
-Ice Beam
-Charge Beam/Thunderbolt
-Defence Curl/Thunder Wave
Bulky Regice. Help on 2nd and 3rd move?
Weavile @ Focus Sash ** John Jacob Jinglehiemer Schmitt (His name is my name, too)
EVs: 6 Hp/252 Atk/252 Spd
-Brick Break
-Ice Punch
-Night Slash
-Swords Dance
Standard Weavile. *Yawn...*
So, what do you guys think? I could put Cloyster in there somewhere...
Alakazam @ Choice Specs ** Jerry Springer
EVs: 252 SpAtk/6 SpDef/252 Spd
Modest Nature (+SpAtk, -Atk)
-Charge Beam
-Shadow Ball
Trickzam. Modest Nature stab Psychics tear through pretty much anything not immune to it, CBs add up quickly. Trick Screws over Blissey, Skarm, and any Physical sweeper. Shadow Ball is mainly filler.
I was going to give him Timid, but he's still fast enough to outrun alot of stuff.
Abomasnow @ Life Orb ** Barack Obamasnow
Snow Warning
EVs: 252 Hp/252 Atk/6 Def
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SpAtk)
-Ice Shard
-Focus Punch
-Wood Hammer
-Leech Seed
My favorite Abomasnow set. Kills dragons, Blisseys, and some Swamperts. Leech Seed helps to counteract Life Orb.
Azelf @ Life Orb ** Coney Island disco palace
EVs: 252 SpAtk/252 Spd/6 Hp
Naive Nature (+Spd, -SpDef)
-Energy Ball/Thunder Bolt/Ice Beam
Awsome sweeper/Blissey killer/Forretress killer/Skarm killer. 3rd move... Which should I use?
Lapras @ Leftovers ** Pimpkrow
Water Absorb
EVs: 70 Hp/252 Atk/188 Spd
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SpAtk)
-Ice Shard
-Heal Bell
-Dragon Dance
DDLapras. Kills dragons and can heal my party. Gets walled by other waters... But this is Lapras's useable physical movepool. Rather bulky, too.
Regice @ Leftovers ** Regirice
Clear Body
EVs: 252 Hp/152 Def/106 SpDef
Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)
-Ice Beam
-Charge Beam/Thunderbolt
-Defence Curl/Thunder Wave
Bulky Regice. Help on 2nd and 3rd move?
Weavile @ Focus Sash ** John Jacob Jinglehiemer Schmitt (His name is my name, too)
EVs: 6 Hp/252 Atk/252 Spd
-Brick Break
-Ice Punch
-Night Slash
-Swords Dance
Standard Weavile. *Yawn...*
So, what do you guys think? I could put Cloyster in there somewhere...