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RMT 5th Gen UU Rain Dance


Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2009
Hey guys, I'm new to competitive battling so I could do with some advice on my team. Sorry I don't have pictures.

Electrode @ Damp Rock
Ability: Static
252 Spa/252 Spe/252 Def
Rain Dance
Volt Switch
Thunder Wave

It's pretty obvious what Electrode's role in this team is. Taunt is for if I anticipate that the opposing lead will try to set up hazards or weather. Ideally, the plan is to RD-volt switch into a swift swimmer who counters the opposing lead. It's not the end of the world if Electrode gets KO'd before he can volt switch, since that means my swift swimmer comes in for free with plenty of rain turns to abuse. Thunder wave is for later game support if it manages to get the volt switch before getting KO'd.

Emolga @ Damp Rock
Ability: Static
252 Spa/ 252 Spe/ 4 Def
Rain Dance
Volt Switch
Thunder Wave
Air Slash

Pretty much a second Electrode. I'm guessing I'll get criticised for having it on my team as well as Electrode. It basically does the same thing as Electrode, giving another 8 turns of rain and potentially countering opposing weather. Air Slash is for fighting and grass types. The other good thing is that Poliwrath makes a good volt switch partner for it, since it resists rock and ice. I'm considering giving him motor drive instead of static to absord electric attacks aimed at my swift swimmers.

Poliwrath @ Leftovers
Ability: Swift Swim
252 Att/ 252 HP/ 4 Spe

Belly Drum
Brick Break
I know I’ll get criticised for running this, but I’ve had a decent amount of success with this. I can punish switch ins with Belly Drum if Poliwrath comes in on something it counters. The other way I get a Belly Drum is mid-late game when Poliwrath is out and the opponent switches in a counter. Often they expect me to switch out and get a free set-up, but instead I belly-drum. It’s risky, but offensive teams are risky by nature. I think it’s better mid-late game, as it resists what is super effective on Emolga, making a good volt switch partner, and I want to condition my opponent into thinking I’ll switch out Poli if faced with a counter. Waterfall and Return provides coverage that is unresisted by everything except Ferroseed/thorn, which brick break is super-effective on. Brick break is also for dealing with special walls like Chansey.

Ludicolo @ Life Orb
Ability: Swift Swim
252 Spa/ 252 Spe/ 4 Spd

Rain Dance
Energy Ball
Ice Beam

Pretty straight forward, he’s my special sweeper. Grass, water, and ice gives such good coverage that I thought I could afford to give him rain dance.

Kabutops @ Life Orb
Ability: Swift Swim
252 Att/ 252 Spe/ 4 HP

Aqua Jet
Swords Dance
Stone Edge

My standard physical sweeper if I don’t think I can set up Belly Drum with Poliwrath. He’s a bit more versatile than my other swift swimmers in that aqua jet can revenge kill, and if I manage to get in a SD, he can continue to sweep with aqua jet even without rain, saving me from having to set up rain again. Like Poliwrath, it has good synergy with Emolga, as Emolga is either immune to or resists everything that is super-effective on Kabutops, except for electric, which is still only neutral (Emolga would be immune to it if I run motor drive instead of static).

Galvantula @ Life Orb
Ability: Compound Eyes
252 Spa/ 252 Spe/ 4 Spd

Bug Buzz
Energy Ball
Rain Dance

Galvantula functions as both a supporter and a sweeper. The main reason I chose him over other supporters is because he’s a fast rain dancer who resists both electric and grass, which are the main threats to my swift swimmers. Compound eyes means he doesn’t need rain to justify running stab thunder, bug buzz if for additional stab, and energy ball is for coverage. This is the pokemon I’m least sure about. I know there are better movesets for him than this one, and I’m considering whether I should give him a damp rock.

I’d appreciate your feedback. Thanks in advance.


Smash Legend
Feb 16, 2006
I'd recommend only using three Pokemon with Rain Dance. Give Ludicolo Hydro Pump and Giga Drain.

Emolga sucks, use something with more defensive potential. Celebi, Roserade (natural special bulk, abuse Rain with Weather Ball), Amoonguss (Spore like a mother****er) are a few that come to mind.
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