Yes i am new to the smashbroads and i have hacked my wii and have done a few codes but im not as crazy good as alot of other people are at it id like to get as much info and little hidin info i dont know about on Riivolution and what files i need and have to have to work Riivolution correctly with Super Smash Bros Brawl and i notice some games seem to look alot easyer than brawl for these codes to work correctly such as stage taxture hacks is my most wanted hack/code if it is a code for a stage i need the code for it. I have downloaded stage texture hacks and have made the files :/Private/Wii/App/RSBE/PF/Fighter/and in fighter folder the names and there fit____.00.pac or pcs . Now stages :/Private/Wii/App/RSBE/PF/Stage/Melee/and in melee folder STG___ .00.pac . Now Riivolution and i have done the following :/Riivolution on the root of the SDcard and have put it in my Apps folder. Now on the root of the SDcard Riivolution i have put modlauncher.xml , ocarina.xml , codehandler.bin and i guess i needed SSBBRiivolution or called SSBBTamplete and made the folder config and in config folder put RSBE.xml . As later on in quest to find out how to use my texture hacks and stage texture hacks i found out that i had to take out my PF folder in :/Private/Wii/App/RSBE and make a new folder and call it SSBB and put my PF folder in it NOTE: The PF folder that i made did not have pfmenu2 nor did it have info, info2, menu, menu2, module, and system folders or files just the PF was told to make PF/Fighter and PF/Stage/Melee thas it. Once i got on to my HBB i downloaded Brawl+ NOTE: I did not have Riivolution just Gecko os or called Gecko 1.9ver at the when i downloaded it NOTE2: I aslo did not have the cheatcodes for Gecko os i just hooked up brawl when the codes where done in brawl+ menu and it said play. So i played Brawl+ through Gecko os everything worked. After Brawl+ i came back to the computer to see about some codes but mostly was looking for a way to use my texture hacked stages i found something about just texture hacks and so forth about what to do. Once on my SD on the cpu i went into :/Private/Wii/App/RSBE to the PF folder as told to once i got into RSBE i found pf and pfmenu2 the frist pf had fighter, menu, module, stage, and system the second pf pfmenu2 had sc_title.pac . As i looked for more info i had found out i had to create a folder for Riivolution called Brawlmods on the root of the SDcard as said on the info create folders in Brawlmods where BBrawl, Brawl+, Brawl-, ProjectM, UBrawl .As i looked for more info someone else says you need to have VBrawl, and Stages . So i do it k now i get to xml's and thats when they say. Where do I place my mods?
X:/brawlmods/bbrawl/ - Balanced Brawl. RSBE01.gct goes in this folder, as well as all of the other "pf" files.
X:/brawlmods/brawlminus/ - Brawl Minus. RSBE01.gct goes in this folder, as well as all of the other "pf" files.
X:/brawlmods/brawlplus/ - Brawl Plus. RSBE01.gct goes in this folder, as well as all of the other "pf" files.
X:/brawlmods/ubrawl/ - UnstoppaBrawl. RSBE01.gct goes in this folder, as well as "fighter".
X:/brawlmods/custom1/ - Custom Set #1. RSBE01.gct goes in the root of this folder. Contains "fighter",
"info", "info2", "menu", "menu2", "module", "stage" and "system" folders as well.
X:/brawlmods/custom2/ - Custom Set #2. RSBE01.gct goes in the root of this folder. Contains "fighter",
"info", "info2", "menu", "menu2", "module", "stage" and "system" folders as well.
X:/brawlmods/projectm/ - Project: M. RSBE01.gct goes in this folder, as well as all of the other "pf" files.
X:/brawlmods/vbrawl/ - Regular Brawl. RSBE01.gct goes in the root of this folder. Contains "fighter",
"info", "info2", "menu", "menu2", "module", "stage" and "system" folders as well.
Ok so where the f do i get info, info2, menu, menu2, and the right. RSBE01.gct and the programs or folders or somthing to use with Riivolution that i need for my wii to use my hacked texture's + stages correctly!!!! Sorry im alittle pissed ;_; i just want to use my hacked stages really badly im willing to take the time to get it done so they can work flawlessly please HELP!!!! and id love to play online but it lags so bad you should just come over and play k n_n and if someone knows anyone in Tacoma here that has done this before and they know what there doing 100x more than me them please let me know also i have HBC on my 4.3u with riivolution