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Review: Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix


Nov 23, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
Link to original post: [drupal=1157]Review: Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix[/drupal]

You know, I can't decide if I like Street Fighter II or not. Yeah, it's kind of fun I guess, but it isn't that good. The only reason why I downloaded the newest remake of the game onto my PS3 was because I was tired of being in conversations about fighting games with other gamers when suddenly one of them brings up SF2 and I always slip out of the conversation because (up until now) I had never played the game. Plus I didn't want to feel like a total n00b when trying out Street Fighter IV. While I was downloading the game I had this feeling that my old arch- nemeses nostalgia would be the cause behind this game apparently being "da ****" back in the early 90s. I was right, of course.

I guess I'll start with what I liked about the game. First off the bat I want to say that this game has really nice music. And you know the game has to have some neat tunes if I mention it because I'm usually pulling apart the core of the game, story and game play. I'll admit that the cast of characters was amusing. Like you have one guy who looks like an adult version of Edward Elric from Full Metal Alchemist mixed with Jason Voorhees, there's also some feral... thing from Brazil. A guy who looks like an early Captain American villain, a Russian wrestler and Bruce Lee. I wish I could make this stuff up, but there is a guy who looks exactly like Bruce Lee in this game. That could only be more awesome if he was on fire. Wait, he has a move that does set him one fire. So scratch that, there is no way that could be more awesome! So the cast of characters is likable, I can't think of anyone who I wanted to see stomped on by Megatron. So far so good.

I'm going to be honest, I'm really, really bad at this game. When I first fired up arcade mode I picked a guy named Ken, who is American martial-artist that likes to go around and rip off Dragonball Z along with two other guys named Ryu and Akuma-matata. I put the arcade mode on medium difficulty, and the first thing I noticed (while getting my *** kicked) is that you move really slow in this game. Most fans of the game will probably argue that I've had it "ruined" for me because I'm more used to newer, more fast-pace fighters like Tekken or Soul Calibur, but screw that. I played better fighting games before this, what do you want me to do about it? So after getting my *** handed to me on a silver platter I went down to easy difficulty, which also kicked my ***. But eventually I got down to speed and figured out what button did what (kind of bugs me that you have to walk backwards to block) I realized that the keys to victory are to jump a lot and to spam Kamehameha Hodoken because the CPUs do it a lot. So after playing a bit I eventually got fairly good at the game, but still got my *** kicked on easy difficulty. This is weird for me because up until now every fighting game I've played I've been able to pick up and get good at on my first go. So I'm either just naturally bad at Street Fighter or it's a really freaking hard game. If easy is this bad I would hate to see what expert is like. They probably make you fight Chuck Norris in Super Saiyan Five as a guy with no arms and no legs in a wheel chair armed with a sock puppet.

I'm sure there's a story in here somewhere, but if there is Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix must do a really crappy job at telling it because there wasn't much dialog (unless you count the post-battle quotes) in the game at all. From what I can pull, a bunch of dudes (and two chicks) hop into a plane and go all over the world in a quest to prove that they are the manliest man (or girl) in the world by beating up foreigners. I would also like to point out that "Street Fighter" is a very misleading name. Because that name implies (well, this is what comes to mind to me) that you are some rugged low-life living on the streets of a big-*** city (usually Tokyo or New York) who goes around beating up other rugged low-lives to take their money, or beer. But you are actually a buff martial artist who goes all over the world to beat up other buff martial artists to take their honor, or beer.

Street Fighter II is in no way a bad game, it's fairly fun when you play multi-player with a friend. But overall I don't see what makes it the most epic fighting game ever made. Yeah it's fun, but not that fun. So Street Fighter II: A fun (and way to difficult) fighter that's overrated by Nostalgia and fanboys.


Smash Journeyman
May 5, 2008
Rockville, MD
If you don't buy the game fully intending to play it almost exclusively with other people in a dedicated or at least competitive fashion you have missed the point of Street Fighter by a large margin. Nobody is expected to care about any fighting game's story over how good it plays. The whole point of this game in particular was to balance its characters for people who had a competitive mindset going into buying it.


Nov 23, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
If you don't buy the game fully intending to play it almost exclusively with other people in a dedicated or at least competitive fashion you have missed the point of Street Fighter by a large margin. Nobody is expected to care about any fighting game's story over how good it plays. The whole point of this game in particular was to balance its characters for people who had a competitive mindset going into buying it.
I downloaded this game in the mindset that I'm going have some freaking fun. After all, that's reason why games were invented in the first place, so people had a way to entertain themselves and others.


Smash Champion
Mar 18, 2008
Switch FC
I lol'ed at Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix being slow. Is there not a speed setting? I haven't played HD Remix, but the original Super Turbo (ST) had a speed setting, so maybe you have to adjust that.

You only experience anything close to a story if you beat the game. You'll get an interesting slideshow (maybe they made cutscenes for HD Remix, I dunno), a couple of gifs, some text, etc. The story is sooo not the main point of Street Fighter, so you don't have to worry about it.

ST's AI was made of incredible hax, so yeah, on Easy in ST, you get your *** kicked. I swear the game just reads your buttons and reacts accordingly, so you're probably better off playing people online and get real world experience from that. However, that's not to say that you won't face people that will make it seem like you're fighting Chuck Norris in Super Saiyan Five as a guy with no arms and no legs in a wheel chair armed with a sock puppet... at least until you get the hang of it.

My advice if you want to try and get the most out of this game? Learn the characters and their moves one at a time, don't worry about beating the game, try the characters online, and stick with the characters that you like. HD Remix AI is hax.


Smash Journeyman
May 5, 2008
Rockville, MD
Fighting games are made so people can go head to head and compete in them. You're meant to find enjoyment in being competitive with them. **** ain't hard.

CPU's in general are stupid.

Red Arremer

Smash Legend
Nov 27, 2005
I would also like to point out that "Street Fighter" is a very misleading name. Because that name implies (well, this is what comes to mind to me) that you are some rugged low-life living on the streets of a big-*** city (usually Tokyo or New York) who goes around beating up other rugged low-lives to take their money, or beer.
The first game was like that. Just saying. ^^


Smash Champion
Jul 30, 2008
Augusta, GA
Yea spade is right.

And Street Fighter 2 CPU is hax. They've had 20 years to get the CPU right but they still suck. Street Fighter 4's CPU is no better than SF2's.


Smash Champion
Jul 30, 2008
Augusta, GA
CPUs do it alot b/c they are programmed.

You hit a button: Fireball
You jump: Dragon Punch
You input a command to throw: You get thrown.


Smash Champion
Mar 18, 2008
Switch FC
1 moar ting:

cpu's do much more damage than they supposed to per attack.


Smash Lord
Dec 1, 2006
You can't complain about the CPUs... they're worthless. Play online~


Smash Champion
Jul 30, 2008
Augusta, GA
Shouldn't affect the final rating though, seeing as fighting the CPU isn't what the game is made for.
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