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Review: Doomsday Arcade (Episodes 1-7)


Nov 23, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
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Imagine this, you're just hanging out with one of your friends, playing a few games when the door bell rings. So you go to answer the door, and the one standing there is none other than Solid Snake. But before you can do so much as say "hello" Snake tackles you to the ground and tries to kill you. Somehow escaping, you find out that video game characters have appeared in the real world and want you dead. This is what happens in Doomsday Arcade, a series that recently started on the Escapist.

I'll be honest, the idea for the plot is pretty cool. And I loved the parts with characters from games. But the two main characters are just so... so unlikable. Now, know this (although I'm sure that I'll be flamed anyway), I don't hate stupid humor. I like most Monty Python stuff. I thought the Holy Grail was an awesome movie. Now that I think about it, stupid humor is usually hit or miss with me. Usually miss, but occasionally it hits. But back to the main characters. At the start of the series, they have some of the stupidest and annoying antics that I have ever seen. however, as the series progresses, the antics start to disappear. This I liked. At the start of the series they act like annoyingly stupid kids who wouldn't last ten seconds in the real world. However, they quickly evolve from annoying **** to (mostly) realistic people. Although there are still moments when I want to give them swift punches in the gut. I'll admit that I really enjoyed many of the game parodies in the later episodes. Oh, and the special effects are really, really good for something made by fans. I mean, ****. Those are some good effects.

So I'll conclude this brief review like this. Doomsday arcade starts out with the worst main characters I've ever seen, but starts to fix those mistakes later on. Doomsday Arcade is decent. There are a ton of other things I would rather watch on the escapist, and this one really doesn't stand out (other than the epic special effects). While it was a good idea, it probably would have been better with a different writer. Will I continue to watch the rest of the series? Probably not. Then again, this review was based off of only the first seven episodes(which is all of the ones they have up). So who knows? The series might become on the same level as Unskippable or Unforgotten Realms. And Sonic Team might also make a good game.


I know Lund and Shanks and if you want to punch their characters it's possible you'd want to hit them too because they tend to act like they are in Doomsday Arcade. I've found their quirky antics to become quite amusing.


Nov 23, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
I know Lund and Shanks and if you want to punch their characters it's possible you'd want to hit them too because they tend to act like they are in Doomsday Arcade. I've found their quirky antics to become quite amusing.
Hold on, you're telling me that you actually know the two? I'm calling shannagins on this one, although I'll admit that some of their antics are somewhat amusing.
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