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Reverie's Melee Journal


Smash Apprentice
Aug 26, 2015
I've been wanting to do something like this for a while, not sure if this is the right place for it, but I couldn't find a better alternative. (Suggestion for Smashboards: A personal blog section in user profiles! xD)

I think keeping a journal or blog is really useful for some people to hash out their thoughts, and allow others to pick their brains. I thrive when I'm talking openly about things, and with the way things have been going for me in the past few years I haven't really had people to do that with, so hopefully this won't be an issue. So, on to my first journal entry:

March 26th, 2016
Life is sort of uneasy, though much less hectic than it was a month ago. I've moved to Canyon, TX thanks to the generosity of a good friend, so now I have a clean, quiet home with my own room. Problem now, though, is finding work.

Let's talk Melee: I've made a lot of progress since the last time I was in Canyon. I'm rather proud of how I've grown as a player while having to primarily play alone, but there's still an itch in the back of my mind. It wants to know why I spend so much time? In the grand scheme of things, I feel like I'll never amount to much regarding the game, but I know telling myself that would be a self fulfilling prophecy. Sometimes it's really hard to keep myself motivated. I can't help but wonder if things would be different if I had more friends who liked the game, or just more support for doing what I choose to do in general. I've always felt sort of afraid to pursue my passions. Perhaps I'll write about that some other time.

I've been playing with another Marth from the area, DarkHero, and it's been rather eye opening. He's trained some stellar fundamentals in the short amount of time he's played, and it makes me wonder how much I've forgotten in pursuit of getting better. Definitely hoping to play more with him, and players like him, so that I can challenge myself more frequently than I have before.

I feel like I've failed my hometown. We had little regarding a "scene" but it was ours and it felt special. I feel like I should have put more effort into growing it, regardless of the circumstances that forced me out of there. I could go on and on about why I had a hard time making it out to play with them, but that's behind me now.

Netplay has been interesting. Most of the players I run into play spacies and Falcon, which doesn't do much for me regarding matchup experience, but it's still nice to be analayzing other players. I hate that it's the best I can do when it comes to playing with more people, but I'm doing my best. Every now and then I'll come across a good low-tier main that really challenges me to adapt, and it's times like those that I can really grow. Here's to hoping I find more of them!

Once I start working and have an income, I want to get a car and start traveling to events in the surrounding areas. My biggest goal is to make it to a major, like Big House 6. I really want to make up for all the time I've spent separated from the heart of the community, stuck in a Melee deadzone. Going to a major would be a huge step in accomplishing that.

I'll be jogging down my thoughts here mainly to help me keep track of things. Practice wise I have a lot to do. Priority-wise, I've come up with this:
  • Tech Skill practice every day.
  • Punish Game practice every day.
  • Netplay (Short Distance) when possible.
I'll go into a lot more detail on other posts. I just feel so lost lately :\ like I've hit a brick wall and the only way I can improve is to grind it out with players that are better than me. Something I've really struggled with for the longest time are certain defensive options. I can't figure out what to execute out of a crouch cancel and when, and it's really frustrating me. I'll get good CCs but fail to make much out of it. Another thing I'm bad at is using simple defensive tech, like spotdodges, to avoid certain things. I feel like it's extremely hard to practice this sort of thing on my own, so that's a good explanation for why I'm so far behind in it. I need to study professional play so I can get a good grasp on what to do here. I think it's the biggest thing holding me back.
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