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*Resolved PLEASE HELP!!! Open .pac files on mac and other stuff


Smash Cadet
Feb 14, 2015
Oh how I hate having a mac. Anyways, I have been trying to make my own custom build of Project M, though I have been running into tons of issues. Now, first of all, I am modding a mod of Project M called Project M+, it adds Pichu, Young Link, and Dr. Mario as his own character. Heres the link to it on Brawl Vault:


Now, I have ran into two major problems and both of them involve Brawl Box. You see, I am trying to change character portraits, but Brawl Box is giving me the middle finger right now. So I will share with you guys both of my problems:


Now, my first problem involves the common5.pac file which I am sure many of you skillful modders with a PC know about. Now, from videos I've seen, three separate files are in common5.pac, they are: sc_selcharacter2_en, sc_selcharacter_en, and sc_selmap_en. And I know that sc_selcharacter_en is where all the portraits and what not are. However, when I open the common5.pac for Project M+ it has all of those files except for sc_selcharacter_en. I even checked common1-4.pac for it and I could not find it. They can't just not have it in there, it has to be there somewhere.


Problem #2 has to be solved before I can even think about solving Problem #1. You see, Brawl Box pretty much won't work most of the time. Since I have a mac, I opened Brawl Box with Wine and it worked. Sometimes I can find the file I am looking for on my mac. Though most of the time Brawl Box just shows me a bunch of folders that have absolutely nothing in them, and most of the folders aren't even on my mac anyways, I think Brawl Box thinks I'm using a PC like all of you lucky guys. So, I need to get Brawl Box to work or I need a .pac opener that will actually work.

So yeah, I need help.

NOTE: I don't know about complicated programs like Gecko and Dolphin Emulator (I don't know what those do or how to download them, I've just heard there names around the forum), so if you are going to tell me to use something like that I need a lot of assistance. So, try to keep it simple.


Smash Cadet
Feb 14, 2015
Heres where I sound like a noob, but what does that mean?

The name of it is: BrawlBox v0

Shin F.

Smash Master
Oct 10, 2013
The internet, obviously.
I downloaded Brawl Box 0.75b but Wine won't open it.
Wine doesn't open versions after .73 very well. Something about them using .NET 4.5. I use .70 and .71 in Wine and they both work for me. Try those.

Also, the folders you see it showing you that aren't on your computer are actually inside of whatever Wine app you're using. You can find them by right-clicking it and using "Show Package Contents".

One more thing. If you're opening them just for replacing portraits and such, I recommend the Costume Manager. It works in Wine as well. http://www.lakora.us/brawl/
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Smash Cadet
Feb 14, 2015
Thanks, though I already resolved the problem. I downloaded version 0.71 and it works fine, probably because of what you said. I appreciate your will to help though.
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