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Requesting the Help of any Neurodivergent Members of the Community


Smash Apprentice
Jan 26, 2016
Hey everyone.

As some of you may know, I recently decided to write an article on mental issues and disorders in Smash at the request of a community member, and have been hard at work trying to contact any neurodivergent members of the community to talk to ever since. Still, I feel using only my personal network of friends and acquaintances to find these people limits my options to a small subset and leaves a great amount of possible candidates out.

That's why I'm making this forum thread to reach out to anyone who would like to participate in the creation of this article and input their own perspectives and stories. Smashboards is one of the biggest forums in the community, and I feel there's no better way to reach a broad audience than through here.

If you wish to help, please leave a reply to this post, and I will try to contact you as promptly as possible, through either PM or any means you request.

Any and all perspectives are appreciated. Your opinions, ideas and experiences are as important as anyone else's. If you think your input could be useful, please come forward.

Thanks for your time, have a good one.
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