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Remove Staleness in Balanced Brawl?


Smash Rookie
Aug 6, 2012
Firstoff, to the best of my knowledge, I do not think that BBrawl has removed the stale moves mechanic found in Brawl. I know Brawl- does it and as far as I know, the "code" for doing so is located in the "BrawlMinus2XFinal" and is 02FC0988 00130000.

Now, if I wanted to remove said stale moves mechanic in BBrawl, how would I go about it?


Smash Rookie
Aug 6, 2012

I'm looking into going deeper and something tells me it involves compiling code into .gct files, but how could you go about doing this?

Also, BUMP.


Smash Rookie
Aug 6, 2012
Answering my own question

For other future people that want to figure this out, I found it out myself after doing extensive modding research on Brawl in general. In order to apply any sort of codes to a pre-existing mod for Brawl, you need to download and learn Ocarina Code Manager, then load up the pre-existing .gct or .txt file associated with that mod (usually in the /codes folder on the root of said SD card), and add in any codes you want yourself. You can also remove codes this way, and in this manner I have removed stale moves from Balanced Brawl mod that I enjoy so much as well as perma-trip that wasn't removed in Balanced brawl but was removed in Brawl-.


Smash Rookie
Aug 6, 2012
Just kidding?

What I thought was "fixed" was actually a lie. I wrote codes on to prevent stale moves and they still made it to Balanced Brawl. Upon further inspection, I discovered BBrawl's .gct files were actually in a DIFFERENT folder, /Data/Gecko/Codes, to be exact, but the file is HUGE, over 5Kb compared to my tiny 186 byte custom codes. In order to successfully install said codes overtop of BBrawl's codes, you have to open the BBrawl GCT (with GCTEdit), and add codes manually. Kind of a pain, but so worth it.

It actually works now, unlike the previous post where I hadn't tested it >.>
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