Banned via Warnings
Post any sort of funny kaillera moments that are not off topic or offensive.
I know this has been done like 4 times already but this place has been kinda boring lately; no stupid post/arguments please, want to try to actually keep this one up.
I know this has been done like 4 times already but this place has been kinda boring lately; no stupid post/arguments please, want to try to actually keep this one up.
Just happened today at West Wonderland (Galaxy was down)
* Joins: WOTG îXî
<Server> Help: Emulinker X v1.0: 02-21-2010
<Server> *************************
<Server> This server is using Emulinker X
<Server> http://www.SmashGalaxy.com/EmulinkerX
<Server> *************************
* Joins: Nylez
* Starting: Super Smash Bros. (U) [!] (1/2)
- press "Drop" if emulator fails
<Server> P1 Delay = 2 (5 frame delay)
<Server> P2 Delay = 4 (9 frame delay)
<Nylez> you know the word fun?
<Nylez> omg ..
<Nylez> serious dude ..
<WOTG îXî> ?
<Nylez> this game is just not fun
<Nylez> with people like u
<WOTG îXî> why is that
<Nylez> controller is so much better than keyboard
<Nylez> AND you only want to get better and better and better and better
<Nylez> you have fun with owning
<Nylez> I have fun with epic moments
<Nylez> seriously
<WOTG îXî> umm
<WOTG îXî> lol
<WOTG îXî> I don't care about that
<WOTG îXî> I just do w/e
<WOTG îXî> very fun of you to attack me while i was typing
<Nylez> so?
<Nylez> you did the same too
<Nylez> awhh well
<Nylez> nvm
<Nylez> Sigh ..
<WOTG îXî> gg
<Nylez> yeah you too
<WOTG îXî> ds
<WOTG îXî> ?
<Nylez> it doesn't matter
<Nylez> no
<Nylez> I did it on purpose
<Nylez> Dude .. seriously ..
<Nylez> you should play less
<WOTG îXî> why
<Nylez> you're acting like a computer
<WOTG îXî> like a computer? O.o
<Nylez> yeah.
<Nylez> A people seems to have respect
<Nylez> and doesn't edge kill and stuff
<Nylez> computers are sad and only think of killing or any
<WOTG îXî> thats part of the game
<Nylez> dude
<Nylez> nvm it
<Nylez> you wouldn't understand anyway
<Nylez> you still don't get the clue from what I'm saying?
<WOTG îXî> well am i supposed to let you win even though its not a tourney?
<Nylez> wtf tourney
<Nylez> dude
<Nylez> You could also think about other players
<Nylez> There are also people who never played before?
<Nylez> I act human to them
<Nylez> and play for fun
<WOTG îXî> thats why you get better?
<Nylez> not to get better
<WOTG îXî> lol
<Nylez> or want to be the best
<Nylez> dude seriously ..
<Nylez> never mind
<WOTG îXî> I'm not trying to be the best, I'm just playing normally.
<Nylez> "normally"
<Nylez> feelings about others
<Nylez> that's normally
<Nylez> what you do
<Nylez> is killing for yourself
<WOTG îXî> umm what
<Nylez> I knew you wouldn't understand
<WOTG îXî> so exactly what are you trying to do?
<Nylez> to see if you're just a little human
<Nylez> or if you're a *** who thinks of winning onlu
<WOTG îXî> okay
<WOTG îXî> so what if i just suicided
<WOTG îXî> and let you win
<WOTG îXî> what then?
<Nylez> ...
<Nylez> dude
<Nylez> what kind of dumb questions are that?
<Nylez> Did I say that?
<Nylez> You shouldn't think of your only fun.
<Nylez> to kill me
<Nylez> and think
<Nylez> YES
<Nylez> I owned him
<WOTG îXî> okay...
<Nylez> You should try to make it fun for us both
<WOTG îXî> So am I supposed to let you win?
<Nylez> not only for yourself
<Nylez> DUDE
<Nylez> never mind
<Nylez> just own me
<Nylez> and be happy with it
<Nylez> come on
<Nylez> do it
<WOTG îXî> lol
<WOTG îXî> no no
<WOTG îXî> show me an example
<WOTG îXî> of what you mean
<WOTG îXî> because you're playing to "kill me" aswell
<Nylez> am I?
<WOTG îXî> you clearly are trying to kill me?
<Nylez> You don't even know who's behind this screen.
<WOTG îXî> So?
<Nylez> so don't make decissions you can't know for sure
<WOTG îXî> i'm looking at how you play
<Nylez> and I'm looking if you play for winning or for fun
<Nylez> I play for fun
<Nylez> you play to win
<WOTG îXî> umm
<WOTG îXî> the objective is to win, you can have fun by trying to reach that objective
<Nylez> ohh.
<Nylez> sure
<WOTG îXî> You're implying I'm obsessed with winning or losing, you're wrong.
<Nylez> lol I'm sure if you lose
<Nylez> you go crazy
<WOTG îXî> Yep I'm going crazy
<Nylez> not lose on purpose *******
<Nylez> =.=
<WOTG îXî> you just 4 stocked me lol
<Nylez> Seriously
<Nylez> are you dumb or what?
<Nylez> you really acting like a cpu
<WOTG îXî> sigh
<Nylez> no brain at all
<Nylez> and only think of reaching an achievement:
<Nylez> Winning
<WOTG îXî> gg
<Nylez> don't say things you don't mean
<WOTG îXî> lol
<WOTG îXî> :'(
<Nylez> <.<
<Desynch Detected!> Nylez, you are holding up the other players. Nylez is lagged.
* Dropped: WOTG îXî (Player 1)