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Reasonable questions and confusing strategies!


Smash Rookie
Mar 20, 2008
So lemme start out by stating two things.
1) I don't own a copy of the game, cannot practice at the level I want, and cannot test much on my own. I also do not claim to be a pro Olimar in any way.

2) I have read these three guides and find them all excellent informants on the questions I had about Olimar and his Pikmin Potential.
And Echo's, because I forgot to bookmark it.

Now let me get to the questions that I can't seem to find the answer to on the boards.

The whistle will pre-select the next pikmin to use in a specific order, RYBWP, meaning: the first whistle will prep a red pikmin, the second whistle in the game will prep a yellow, no matter the time between the whistles or any other factor besides lacking the color.

That being said, suppose my lineup is rrybwp.Now my first whistle will prep my red, but once I use it in a move, the next is random, correct? Do certain colors have higher prioritties depending on what your next move is? If I have two reds, will it use those two before going to a random color?

Thus, the only logical strategy I can conclude that fully utilizes Pikmin colors is: Whistle, tilt attack with red, whistle, (hopefully I won't have a yellow, as I find them somewhat useless since you can't repetively use a yellow, making a great combo pikmin) throw with a blue, whistle, throw attack with white, whistle and smash with purple. That uses each pikmin's primary strength and you are able to predict the power of your attacks because you know the color.

Some might like that strategy, but personally i see failure. Whistling in between moves is dangerous, somewhat predictable, and just plain silly. Isn't there a better way to know your next pikmin in line?


Smash Rookie
Mar 28, 2008
the next selections aren't random, if u whistle for a red, the others rearrange in that order rybwp, if u whistle for a blue , the others arrange according to bwpry, it changes the order of all of them not just the first one. I'm pretty sure that's what you were wondering...
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