Smash Journeyman
Week 25 Tournaments:
Ready To Fight Week 25 (Friday August 28th, 2015, 9:00PM EST)
Bracket/Sign Up Link (http://readytofight.challonge.com/RTFW25)
IRC (http://readytofight.me/)
Stream (http://www.twitch.tv/xyrohip)
Ready To Fight Week 25 (Friday August 28th, 2015, 9:00PM EST)
Bracket/Sign Up Link (http://readytofight.challonge.com/RTFW25)
IRC (http://readytofight.me/)
Stream (http://www.twitch.tv/xyrohip)
Ready To Fight Doubles Week 6 (Saturday August 29th 2015, 9:00PM EST)You Must Join The IRC At ReadyToFight.me to Participate ! The tournament will take place in #tournament
- For a more detailed find the standard Apex rule set. (We Do Have Stage Bans In Bo5 Sets)
- 2 stock 6 minutes
-Stage Striking
-Higher Seed Strikes First
-First Match is 1-2-1
-Second Match: Winner Strikes 3 Loser picks from remaining stages
Legal Stages:
Starter Stages: Final Destination (Omega), Battlefield, Lylat Cruise, Smashville, Town and City
Counter pick Stages: Delfino Plaza, Halberd, Castle Siege, Duck Hunt, Dreamland
You Must Have A Team Of 2
You Must Join The IRC At ReadyToFight.me to Participate! Go to #Tournament or message Xyro for more info
3 Stock
8 Minutes
Team Attack ON
No Customs (Standard Size Miis Allowed)
Items OFF
Omega Stages Allowed If Both Teams Agree on one
(If Final Destination Is Banned So Is Omega Stages)
All Matches Are Best of 3 Except Winners and Losers Finals Along With Grand Finals Which are Best of 5
Striking System:
Round 1:
Player 1 Bans 1 From Neutrals. Player 2 Bans 2 From Neutrals. Player 1 Bans 1 From Neutrals
The Remaining Stage Will be Played on.
The Following Rounds:
Winning Player Bans 3 From Neutrals And Counterpicks
Losing Player Picks From Remaining Stages
You Cant Counterpick A Stage You Won on
Stages: Neutrals
Final Destination
Lylat Cruise
Town and City
Stages: Counterpicks
Castle Siege
Duck Hunt
Delfino Plaza
Dreamland 64
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