Here are the guidlines for posting RTPS.
1. Only one person should be the main contributor to the RTP. Other posters can point out areas that may need a correction or additional information. They should not be posting entire sections of an RTP. Why? I suppose it's like a mother picking up after an older child. If someone has to write your RTP they should have done it in the first place. If you lack the capablities to write an RTP you should not be doing it.
2. All of that writing sure seems like a lot of work for one person right?That's exactly the point. If you have to write the entire RTP mainly by yourself this means you know what you're talking about. It is a good idea to begin your RTP in Microsoft Word for spell checks and formatting. This also helps you to save your work so you do not needlessly post a RTP.
For the most part your RTP should be as finished as it can be before you post it.
3. You must PM me to ask for permission for an RTP before you write it. This ensures that two people are not writing the same RTP at one time and it maintains a level of quality control. If you typically write with poor grammar and spelling you will likely not recieve permission to make an RTP. The best way to gain permission is to improve. This insn't meant to scare anyone off it's just to prevent a new player or sloppy poster from posting an RTP.
4. See number 3. Yes it's that important.
5. Do not post in a RTP thread unless you are making a correction. I don't care if you like Mudkip. Take it somwhere else. It lessens the RTPs usefullness and attracts off topic spam. Posting in a RTP without a correction or suggestion may result in a warning or deletion of your post.
6. Below if the format you should use.
Pokemon Name: ****
National Pokedex Number:
Metagame Tier:
Ability: ****/****
Type: ???/???
Base Stats:
-Hp ***
-Attk ***
-Def ***
-Sp. Attk ***
-Sp. Def ***
-Spd ***
Move 1
Move 2
Move 3/ optional move(s)
Move 4/ optional move(s)
Movesets with comments below each one explaining it's use
List which pokemon counter this one and why.
Summary of the pokemon. Briefly cover what we've been through and add anything that may not have fit in another section such as Gyarados pairing with electric abosrbing pokemon.
Movepool Physical:
List physical moves with notable moves in bold.
Movepool Special:
List special moves with notable moves in bold.
Movepool support:
List support moves with notable moves in bold.
7. Have fun but don't forget to follow numbers 1-6.
8. Oh, before I forget. Do not use alternate colors. It makes your post a rainbow colored nightmare to read.
1. Only one person should be the main contributor to the RTP. Other posters can point out areas that may need a correction or additional information. They should not be posting entire sections of an RTP. Why? I suppose it's like a mother picking up after an older child. If someone has to write your RTP they should have done it in the first place. If you lack the capablities to write an RTP you should not be doing it.
2. All of that writing sure seems like a lot of work for one person right?That's exactly the point. If you have to write the entire RTP mainly by yourself this means you know what you're talking about. It is a good idea to begin your RTP in Microsoft Word for spell checks and formatting. This also helps you to save your work so you do not needlessly post a RTP.
For the most part your RTP should be as finished as it can be before you post it.
3. You must PM me to ask for permission for an RTP before you write it. This ensures that two people are not writing the same RTP at one time and it maintains a level of quality control. If you typically write with poor grammar and spelling you will likely not recieve permission to make an RTP. The best way to gain permission is to improve. This insn't meant to scare anyone off it's just to prevent a new player or sloppy poster from posting an RTP.
4. See number 3. Yes it's that important.
5. Do not post in a RTP thread unless you are making a correction. I don't care if you like Mudkip. Take it somwhere else. It lessens the RTPs usefullness and attracts off topic spam. Posting in a RTP without a correction or suggestion may result in a warning or deletion of your post.
6. Below if the format you should use.
Pokemon Name: ****
National Pokedex Number:
Metagame Tier:
Ability: ****/****
Type: ???/???
Base Stats:
-Hp ***
-Attk ***
-Def ***
-Sp. Attk ***
-Sp. Def ***
-Spd ***
Move 1
Move 2
Move 3/ optional move(s)
Move 4/ optional move(s)
Movesets with comments below each one explaining it's use
List which pokemon counter this one and why.
Summary of the pokemon. Briefly cover what we've been through and add anything that may not have fit in another section such as Gyarados pairing with electric abosrbing pokemon.
Movepool Physical:
List physical moves with notable moves in bold.
Movepool Special:
List special moves with notable moves in bold.
Movepool support:
List support moves with notable moves in bold.
7. Have fun but don't forget to follow numbers 1-6.
8. Oh, before I forget. Do not use alternate colors. It makes your post a rainbow colored nightmare to read.