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Rate My ZSS please


Smash Journeyman
Oct 18, 2008
Somewhere beyond the sea...
The whole match consisted of rolling and attacking...NO.


staying on the ground mostly the whole match...NO.

not powershielding..NO.

not using lasers...NO.

not using SH's...NO.

using dair for no reason...NO.

not using any other attack besides side b and usmash...NO.



Smash Journeyman
Mar 14, 2008
Swannanoa, NC
The whole match consisted of rolling and attacking...NO.


staying on the ground mostly the whole match...NO.

not powershielding..NO.

not using lasers...NO.

not using SH's...NO.

using dair for no reason...NO.

not using any other attack besides side b and usmash...NO.


wow...thanks for the discouragement...you didn't even give any tips on how to improve...:(

if your "so good" then you should have at least gave me some tips on how to get better

and lucario is a challenging opponent for ZSS


Smash Lord
Feb 21, 2008
Canada, British Columbia
U-throw is bad, D-throw is better. Too much random rolling. Use less F-smash its like very very bad. Work on out of stun stuff. D-air shouldnt be used that much as a competent player would just punish you for it.

Try to find better opponents.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 18, 2008
Somewhere beyond the sea...
wow...thanks for the discouragement...you didn't even give any tips on how to improve...:(

if your "so good" then you should have at least gave me some tips on how to get better

and lucario is a challenging opponent for ZSS
yea sorry about that:(. i guess i was acting a little mean there. umm you should learn to SH. one of my favorite things as zss to do is mindgame someone into doing some kind of dsmash attack and SH over them into a bair.

you shouldnt just keep using side b like that unless you're trying to space properly. you have to learn so space your attacks so that when you use them at their tip you can hit the opponent without the possibility of being sheildgrabbed. when you use side b. you shouldnt only use it on the ground like that. try SH backward when using it after an opponent makes a laggy move.

i didnt really see you do any aerials, only up b. use uair more. when you dash at someone make sure to powersheild. i saw you just running into lucarios's shadowball (dont know name of move)

I cant help but stress when all people do is roll and attack. if you roll to much good ppl will predict them and punish you for it. i only roll when it's absolutely necessarily if there's no reason to roll, just walk (i say this bc i just saw you rolling for no reason but to get from A to B) otherwise, i move by dashing or SHing.


Smash Lord
Oct 20, 2007
Fairfax, VA
Never use f-smash, except out of a d-smash to rack up damage. Also, always SH your Plasma Whip's. Rolling is never the most efficient way of traversing the stage, unless you have a very slow character. If you're going for a b-air KO out of d-smash, I find it easier to just d-smash and SH a b-air on the grounded opponent. You don't need to time it and it's less risky if you miss. Never use d-air, ever ever ever, unless you're using it to out-prioritize Snake's u-smash. Just work on your basic technique some more before moving on.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 18, 2008
Somewhere beyond the sea...
Never use d-air, ever ever ever, unless you using it to out-prioritize Snake's u-smash.
Saved my life in a ladder match. It's good when ur opponent is pressuring you in the air high up and you need to get out of there ASAP and on the ground. Other uses is when you're on Isle Delfino or brinstar and someone is trying to rise up through the bottom of the stage and you dsmash them into dair and it will spike them.

Or another good thing is when you have 2 stocks and your opponent has 1 and you get him/her offstage and they're under the ledge, you can suicide kill them by dair into them. It will kill both of you but you will still have one stock left, but i only use it when I KNOW it's gonna hit, like on snake's up b But you should really NEVER use it as a physical attack onstage in an attempt to harm your opponent.
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