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Rate my wolf

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
You could have just posted it here: http://smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=193177

Anyways, it's a good Wolf, similar to mine actually gg

you used his two most important moves - bair and fsmash - correctly which is a major part in Wolfs gameplay. You also didn't overuse Dsamsh, so you know the basics, which is the key here.

Aside from overall improvement (smartness, mindgames and stuff...) you could have added a bit more variety. Try to add Dtilts, Grabs and Shine counters into your mix and you'll have a first rate Wolf


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
oh snap, i didnt know about that thread. ill be sure to post my future videos there


Smash Cadet
Apr 30, 2008
You need to learn the di backwards lag cancel fair approach. It will change up your game a lot. Your approaches were getting predictable.


Smash Ace
May 19, 2008
North Carolina
Decent wolf, looks pretty hard to get in on, might I suggest trying a few n-air combo's, it works good on stages where the slants cancel the lagless f-air.


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
You could have just posted it here: http://smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=193177

Anyways, it's a good Wolf, similar to mine actually gg

you used his two most important moves - bair and fsmash - correctly which is a major part in Wolfs gameplay. You also didn't overuse Dsamsh, so you know the basics, which is the key here.

Aside from overall improvement (smartness, mindgames and stuff...) you could have added a bit more variety. Try to add Dtilts, Grabs and Shine counters into your mix and you'll have a first rate Wolf
yeah, i def. need to mix it up more generally, but in this game, the ROB just couldnt get past my wolf wall caz i was spacing my bairs pretty well that game. In what situations do you use d-tilt? I only use it after a d-throw if they have low %.

Seems pretty good. I gotta learn to do the sliding upsmash thing well.
yeah its useful once u get the hang of it

You need to learn the di backwards lag cancel fair approach. It will change up your game a lot. Your approaches were getting predictable.
I know how to do that, but I shy away from using it caz i don't really know any good any follow ups if the fair hits. Sure u can U-air them as they fall down from the fair.... but they'll just airdodge. I usually just use fair as a finisher...

What do you follow the fair approach with?

I'm such a noob, how are you DIing so well in midair laser and b-air, I can't seem to pull that off too well. Great wolf, I really liked it.

Also what type of capture card do you use?
my DI with the laser works caz im jumping and lasering at the same time, so while wolf is taking out his gun, I'm free to DI wherever i want. I changed my R-button to special attack to make jump-lasering easier.

For the 2nd Bair in my wolf wall, I use the C-stick to initiate the BAIR. This way, I'm free to use the control stick to DI/fast fall anywhere and anytime I want.


the capture card I use is called the Dazzle


Smash Champion
Aug 18, 2008
Snowponit City
Solid Wolf.

A few minor mistakes but those were more your descion in that situation rather than a lack of skill.

My only gripe is is didnt see ANY threat or pressure of you spiking him.

My biggest gripe was the lack of Up Taunt.

Up Taunt pwnz.


I eat stickers all the time, dude!
Feb 18, 2008
Storrs, University of Connecticut, CT
my DI with the laser works caz im jumping and lasering at the same time, so while wolf is taking out his gun, I'm free to DI wherever i want. I changed my R-button to special attack to make jump-lasering easier.

For the 2nd Bair in my wolf wall, I use the C-stick to initiate the BAIR. This way, I'm free to use the control stick to DI/fast fall anywhere and anytime I want.


the capture card I use is called the Dazzle
Ok thanks. Dazzle, I'll look for one thanks a lot.
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