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rate my ****ty falco


Smash Ace
Feb 28, 2008
Slightly north of Toronto, Canada
That first match was very impressive. However judging from the other two I'm guessing it means you rely too much on the chaingrab. You don't use phantasm enough AT ALL and while your SHL is good, your SHDL isn't. If you're going to use double lasers at least do it properly. Your bair use in the first match was very impressive.

Third match was better than the second, but you almost fell for that marth chain grab to spike thing again. You recovered from that quickly though and led into your own spike combo, then racked up a nice 85% before losing your first stock. You became really sloppy though. If you know you're far enough down for marth to hug the edge before your fire bird reaches there, TWICE, then **** it don't go low off the edge! The first hug gimp was purely your own poor playing, you should never SH dair that far over the edge when your opponent is so close to the edge. Second gimp? You fell for the chain grab to spike combo AGAIN. JEEZ U GUISE

Anyways, here is what I see of your falco.

-good short hop laser usage
-good bair usage
-GREAT chain grab usage
-nair usage is debatable but still good

-you run into the ****
-SHDL is poor
-phantasm usage is poorly spaced and you never use it on land.
-come on man use your shine once in a while, it's great for spacing. everytime marth initiates his dancing blades, roll away from him and shine! it's really useful!
-rely too much on chain grab, your DK match made great use of it but obviously you haven't been practicing enough with the other aspects of falco
-you're very predictable! don't approach with the same move or from the same direction/angle every time!

Try and work on these cons and your falco will improve. It's actually a nice falco so far. That marth is quite good. Falco has a bit of an advantage over marth IMO though (since marth gets ripped apart by projectiles) so you shouldn't have too much trouble. Good luck with your bird of prey!


Smash Ace
Jul 5, 2007
Virginia Beach, VA
RGB took the words right outta my mouth.

You seemed to use the same like 4 moves all game: Laser, Bair, Dair, Fsmash with the occasional Dthrow to Nair.


Smash Rookie
Jun 25, 2008
Like the above poster said, VERY impressive first match. Nice usage of the chaingrab, and some nice timing of other moves as well. Great SHLing, but the SHDL needs work (as already stated).

Second match- Ugh, you DON'T try to chaingrab Marth. He's way too floaty to get more than 2 (if you do it at 0%). SHDL needs work here. Also, you're never committed to edgehog. You would've had a nice combo kill if you only stayed on the edge. Instead, you pulled up early and let him grab the edge. Trust that you'll still have invincibility frames right when they're about to recover. With something that close, you will.

Third match- Caught onto the fact that you can't chaingrab. Nice usage of Nair. More lasers here, not much Marth can do against them. With the chaingrabbing, there was nothing you could do against that. At least you recovered properly, instead of just dying the first match >_>;

Overall mistakes-

Where's the Shine? Really, it's such a great move, especially against Marth.

No boost smashing? Great way to follow up on a Dthrow or just trying to surprise someone.

Same as above, but only with the Gattling Combo. Honestly, it's a better way of dealing with Marth after a Dthrow instead of Nair (if you're good, it can combo into Nair).

Phantasm only used for recovery. It's a good move that you can't get hit out of (more or less, not against Marth at least).

Yeah, just like redgreenblue said, you're predictable. Especially when you're handing on the edge. DLing onto the stage is a good mixup, and can open up the opponent to a nice boost smash to the face.

I repeated a lot of what redgreenblue said, but that goes to show you how important those flaws are!


Smash Journeyman
Mar 12, 2008
work in the walking chainggrab, and mix up your game a little bit. u became extremely predictable that at times even i knew what you were going to do.
also, as red said, you rely on your grab way to much, if you can get it great. if you cant, falco is amazing at stringing moves together, so work in some uptilts to nairs or some bairs. so in summary:

walking CG to add more damage before the spike
Mix up your game a little bit to stay unpredictable
chain your moves together to build up damage if you cant get a grab
dont rely on the grab so much


Smash Journeyman
Jun 11, 2008
Western PA
So it's alright for people to say that this guy relies on his chaingrab too much, but when I say it to HYLIAN, all hell breaks loose. ehh.

To stay on topic, I watched game 1 and 2, and saw two different falcos. And may I say, you got owned first stock against Martha. xD


Smash Rookie
Jun 25, 2008
So it's alright for people to say that this guy relies on his chaingrab too much, but when I say it to HYLIAN, all hell breaks loose. ehh.
Different reasons if I remember correctly. You criticized Hylian because you said the match would be boring if all he did was chaingrab.

In this case, the kid is kinda screwed if he can't pull it off =/
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