just made this team up.havent used it yet so i want to get other opinions on it.no ev training done yet and this team is in a completely random order.all critiques are welcome
starmie @ rowap berry
ice beam
hydro pump
confuse ray
special sweeper.simple enough moveset.confuse to annoy, then hit with sp. atk
Ambipom @ life orb
double hit
seems like a pretty good physical sweeper.cause basically take down the enemy and once in danger we use u-turn
Forretress @ leftovers
rapid spin
double team
toxic spikes
not sure about this guys moveset.obviously my spinner, spiker, and wall.help me with a different move though
Blissey @ leftovers
ice beam
focus blast
soft boiled
thunder wave
my healer and special wall.ice beam and focus blast cover a total of 9 types so she shouldnt have much trouble against most pokemon.
Infernape @ scope lens
heat wave
nasty plot
grass knot
brick break
again moveset has pretty good type coverage.grass knot for the heavier pokes and nasty plot just to make everything stronger.
Dragonite @ focus sash
dragon rush
thunder wave
thunder punch
good type coverage thunderwave for status ailment and focus sash in case of ice types
tell me what you think
starmie @ rowap berry
ice beam
hydro pump
confuse ray
special sweeper.simple enough moveset.confuse to annoy, then hit with sp. atk
Ambipom @ life orb
double hit
seems like a pretty good physical sweeper.cause basically take down the enemy and once in danger we use u-turn
Forretress @ leftovers
rapid spin
double team
toxic spikes
not sure about this guys moveset.obviously my spinner, spiker, and wall.help me with a different move though
Blissey @ leftovers
ice beam
focus blast
soft boiled
thunder wave
my healer and special wall.ice beam and focus blast cover a total of 9 types so she shouldnt have much trouble against most pokemon.
Infernape @ scope lens
heat wave
nasty plot
grass knot
brick break
again moveset has pretty good type coverage.grass knot for the heavier pokes and nasty plot just to make everything stronger.
Dragonite @ focus sash
dragon rush
thunder wave
thunder punch
good type coverage thunderwave for status ailment and focus sash in case of ice types
tell me what you think