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Rate My Team: Competitive


Smash Master
Jan 30, 2006
Savannah, Georgia
Note: I can't decide for many of the movesets, so I put my perferred one first, and set other options afterward.

Roserade @ Choice Scarf
Natural Cure
Timid(+Spd, - Atk)
4 Hp, 252 Sp. Atk, 252 Spd
Poison Spikes
Leaf Storm
Weather Ball
Hidden Power (Ice)

This is my starter that takes a little less than a brain to use. If you feel your opponent will switch, use Poison Spikes. Otherwise, use what you see fit. Hidden Power Ice deals with constant Salamences and Garchomps, and Leaf Storm is for obvious STAB. Weather Ball can work for you if a Grass is using Sunny Day, or even if you have your own Sandstream out.

Hippowdon @ Leftovers
Impish(+Def, -Sp. Atk)
252 Hp, 252 Def, 4 Sp. Def
Stealth Rock
Thunder Fang
Slack Off

Pysical wall, sets up Sandstream and Stealth Rock, and can stay in easily with Slack Off. With Roar, you can Haze Sweepers and rack up Stealth Rock damage, and Earthquake has STAB. But with Stone Edge/ Ice Fang, you get more type coverage and can get Gyarados/ Garchomp.

Skarmory @ Shed Shell
Keen Eye/Sturdy
Impish(+Def, -Sp. Atk)
252 Hp, 252 Def, 4 Spd
Drill Peck

Another physical wall that works almost in the same manner. Sets up Spikes and accumulates damage. Roost to get rid of Electric weaknesses, as well as restoring Hp. Drill Peck for STAB.

Dusknoir @ Leftovers
Careful(+Sp. Def, -Sp. Atk)
252 Hp, 76 Def, 180 Sp. Def
Ice Punch
Fire Punch
Thunder Punch
Pain Split

If you haven't realized by now, this team semi-relies on Spike-like damage. This is here to make sure they stay. Claydol can't touch it, and Starmie goes down with Thunderpunch, and Donphan with Ice Punch. Fire Punch is for Heracrosses hoping for a Will-O-Wisp. Pain Spilt enlongs survival.

Infernape @ Life Orb
Hasty(+Spd, -Def)
24 Atk, 232 Spd, 252 Sp. Atk
Nasty Plot
Fire Blast/ Flamethrower
Grass Knot
Close Combat

Standard Mixed Sweeper, everything should be obvious. I personally can't stand Cresselia, which Fire Blast can OHKO after a Nasty Plot, but who doesn't like full accuracy?

Blissey @ Leftovers
Natural Cure
Bold(+Def, -Atk)
148 Hp, 252 Def, 4 Spd, 104 Sp. Atk
Seismic Toss
Ice Beam

If you don't know how this works, then don't post here.

That's about it. Please comment, all suggestions are appreciated.

I'd also like to mention how this team has at least one resistance to every type except Ground, which Skarmory is immune to, and no one shares more than two of the same weaknesses.


Smash Master
Jan 30, 2006
Savannah, Georgia
OK, so I edited a few minimal things, like putting Weather Ball > Sludge Bomb, mainly cause of Infernape. With 100 Power, and with Roserade's great Sp. Atk, it will easily take Infernape out with its pitiful defenses, and it easily outspeeds him with the Choice Scarf.

And I know the team's not that perfect, so please leave any suggestions you see fit.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 18, 2006
Chernoble with my Spetsnaz unit
roserade? i dunno if that is the best starter, i dunno just dont like it.

hmm, i dont really like infernape as a mixed sweeper, and fire types die too fast for nasty plot, i learned that the hard way.

blissey, i'd change twave for aromatherapy.

hippowdon, id do thunder fang, EQ, SR, and slack off

i guess the rest are okay.


Smash Master
Jan 30, 2006
Savannah, Georgia
What do you suggest for a starter?
Roserade, IMO, fits best with my team, and takes care of many other starters, unless they themselves are packing a Choice Scarf, in which case I will know.
Specsmence are going to be showing up everywhere, in which an easy HP Ice will take care of them. Also take care of Garchomp.
Leaf Storm is a very good move, and if I had a Choice Specs on him, it'd be more powerful than a Draco Meteor on Specsmence, but since that's not the case, I do a reasonable amount of damage, anyway.
Only common starter I can think of that would beat her would be a Tyranitar, thanks to the Sp. Def boost given to rock types by Sandstorms now. But if such were the case, I'd just switch in Hippowdon, who takes much less than 50% from a CB'd Crunch, and be able to Slack Off the damage next turn, unless the Crunch was a critical or dropped Hippowdon's Defense.
But we're talking about Roserade, aren't we?
Weather Ball is a nice 100 base power Rock-Type move when sandstorm's out, which it should be. As I previously mentioned, she can switch to Hippodon when it starts against any Infernape, where it shall find out the current moveset of the Infernape(hopefully). Then you can switch back, and unless its packing a choice scarf, destroy it with the combined damage of Sandstream, any move I pulled of with Hippowdon, and a Boosted Weather Ball.
Poison Spikes is when the starting matchup is obviously in your favor, and is an easy two-turn Poison Spike setup unless they predicted your were using Poison Spikes(which I believe is incredibly uncommon) and switched to a Rapid Spinner. Then Dusknoir's your man.

Infernape is a little difficult to setup with Nasty Plot, I admit, but then there's Blissey. She's an easy choice this generation, since not many will run Thunder Wave in fear of Electivire. And because of the amount of Spikes you'll have set up, you may not even need to Nasty plot up. This is meant to be a late sweeper, when they're side is full of spikes and the team has been beat up a little. then it works wonders. I need to test a little before I can make more comments on it.
I agree with the Blissey thing. With Electivire's running around, this may be the best choice, and even better when the team does need some status support.
Besides, with Poison Spikes, may of them should be poisoned, anyway, making it even more of a useless move.
Why Thunder Fang? Just wondering.
I would like roar to use it as a sencond Hazer, since they are many people putting some counter for Skarm's, but I could possibly go for that with a good explanation.
Hopefully this doesn't hurt anyone's head. XD

Deleted member

I fail to see why it's so stall oriented when DP is so offensively set.

same with spikes usage.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 18, 2006
Chernoble with my Spetsnaz unit
lol, okay maybe you should keep roserade, i didnt really think that one through at all. lol, wow, quite a response to that.

thunder fang bcuz you already have 2 poke's with fire moves, and three with ice moves, and only one with an electric move. and since you love to double up on things ( SR,spikes, poison spikes) i figured you should do the same with electric type, especially since there are so many bulky water poke's, gyarados, and OU flying types like salamence.


Smash Master
Jan 30, 2006
Savannah, Georgia
I fail to see why it's so stall oriented when DP is so offensively set.

same with spikes usage.
Your right. Most likely, this won't be my standard team. But even my Standard team will have some fun focus around it. Or maybe one or two thatwill be fun. XD I just can't have a boring, yet good, team.

It is true, though, and I personally don't like it.

lol, okay maybe you should keep roserade, i didnt really think that one through at all. lol, wow, quite a response to that.

thunder fang bcuz you already have 2 poke's with fire moves, and three with ice moves, and only one with an electric move. and since you love to double up on things ( SR,spikes, poison spikes) i figured you should do the same with electric type, especially since there are so many bulky water poke's, gyarados, and OU flying types like salamence.
lol, I always think my starters though very carefully, cause I believe a good start leads to a good finish. And I needed a good Specsmence counter. I did go a little balistic on the explanation though, didn't I?

I like the Thunder Fang idea now, thank you for the suggestion. If i put Earthquake, he's gonna get pwned by Glisor. But then, Roserade could take it out, if it's not killed in the process (and if it doesn't miss cause of Sand Veil T.T). Then there's Dusk Noir, and possibly Blissey....

Edit: I may need to stop itializing so many things.
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