First vid -
You roll
way to much. You should be walking/dashing rather then rolling 2-3 times... (preferably walking) there are frames you can be hurt during a roll, and a smart opponent WILL punish you. In fact, you probably would have lost that match if the Sonic knew how to punish your rolls.
Your grenade game is simple. You shield drop them often, and sometimes throw them. Mix it up some more. Shield drop them pick them up, SH soft throw them, then grenade strip it in midair, etc.
You are horrible with your mine... you blew it up both times that you placed it. Once with a grenade, and again with yourself..... remember uncharged mines = setups/% and charged mines = setups/KO
You didn't grab at
all and I saw many oppurtunities you could have. Several of which that would have let you throw Sonic under a c4, detonate c4, and possible follow up with an aerial.
When you recover from the air, your just spamming airdodge. Thats not always the best option. FF bair can work, in fact I don't even think you used bair at all.... its a great aerial...(same with uair)
Video 3 (since video 2 is video 1...)
You still roll to much, and several times you rolled RIGHT INTO Meta Knight.
You don't space Jab very well - it has pretty poor range on that first punch, and when you can jab. You can grab.
You use the mortar at some pretty bad and random times, which got you punished quite a few times.
You used an fair after being uthrowed (Snake has no fair, remember that)
You used an fair to try and spike MK, then ended up being grabbed while recovering. - Do you see why we don't use it?
You failed at drifting into your C4 afterwards. Simply hold towards the stage, and down JUST enough to use down-B and no more. It's not to hard

go practice
You went over him with dair, rather then staying above him.
You had a few chances to punish his mistakes, but you were walking rather then dashing.
2 jump dair? Oo what is this
It doesn't look like you know how to maximize how long you live at all.... I suggest you read this:
You use full hop nair too much while trying to get a kill, you got punished. (by a uthrow for KO)
You died yet again because of fair
You don't b-reverse when trying to get back down onto the stage from above.
You still roll to much