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Rate my friend's Olimar?


Smash Lord
Nov 7, 2007
San Diego, CA
I don't think he used up smash or a grab ONCE in those two matches. And those are 2 of Olimar's very best moves. Not to mention the lack of Side B o_O

I understand grabs aren't AS important vs climbers, but considering Olimar has the best grabs in the GAME, (amazing reach, KOs and true combos) definitely need to use those..

Up smash is Olimar's strongest smash too, and there were moments in the matches where a simple running up smash would have got the KO. But instead, he rolled away, plucked more pikmin and began fsmashing again.

Pikmin toss is a great projectile for making openings and racking up damage. Purples are really really good vs Ice Climbers for giving you the chance to run in, up smash and beat the crap out of Nana.

Also, way less dash attack. Olimar has too much going for him to use such a simple, punishable approach constantly.

Long story short.. Need to use all of Olimar's amazing moveset, and use it wisely. Offensive Up B and Pivot Grabs are very good tricks as well. Just a starting point..

http://www.youtube.com/profile_videos?user=getyourtournament - Search for Mr X. My favorite Olimar to watch I know of, and one I learned quite a bit from.

And for you.. As a short-lived Ice Climbers main. Use more desynch approaches and alternating grabs. Ice Block Lock can be DI'd. ;p (If you're having trouble doing the alt grabs, try Back Throw to Nana, Down Throw to Popo. It's super easier than the other methods ;D)

Royal Altean

Smash Rookie
Jul 12, 2008
Oswego, IL
I think the key to a good Olimar is being unapproachable. Force your opponent to attack by throwing piks at him, then punish by spamming f-smash (abuse its ridiculous range, power, and little lag). Oli's best approach I think is his dash grab, if they get defensive. And pay attention to your piks. Throw whites to rack up extreme damage, and grab with blues for a sickening throw.

Mind you I play Marth, not Oli, but I play against a decent Oli quite a bit. He can be a hell of a pain.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 17, 2007
Union City, CA
About him not grabbing- He just doesn't grab a lot against me as Ice Climbers. If I play ZSS or Ike, he spams grab.

We had to play over 7 matches because Our camera kept dieing, or its memory card was full. I'll try to convince him otherwise, but he doesn't like the side B because it doesn't stop the opponent.

Critique to me- I just haven't practiced alt grabs against Oli.

Thanks guys. Any more criticism?


Smash Champion
Apr 14, 2007
Palmdale, CA
>b is amazing and it doesn't need to stop because it distracts, leading to an attack/grab


Smash Journeyman
Feb 22, 2008
Sweden, Distant Planet
Use the fair alot more. I love to edgeguard with it also, but it only works with Level 9s and sucky people.
And up throw or down throw to Pikmin Chain is also kind of good and it surprises the opponent.


Smash Master
Apr 10, 2002
Santa Clarita
I don't think you used fB once in either of those matches. It's such a useful tool, I use it as often as I can so there's never a dead moment and it makes my opponent feel they constantly have to attack. Latching 1 or 2 whites into a grab always feels soooooo goooood ;) And like everyone else said before me, USE UPSMASH!!! there were 2 or three situations in the beginning of the first vid where you could have upsmashed, but you downsmashed instead. As an Olimar player, it is your responsibility to punish anyone who approaches you from the air ;)


Smash Apprentice
Jun 24, 2008
eugene oregon
I agree with whats been said previously. Use more dash canceled usmash and fb. Never let your opponent breath. I'm glad to hear that you regularly spam his grab--it really is the ****. I would also like to add that constant rolling is a piss-poor way to space yourself. You will speed up his game considerable by dashing and reverse short hopping instead. Also make sure to fast-fall after all your sh fairs. I pride myself on how quickly I can keep olimar moving--I'd recomend you do the same.

One last thing to consider: When desynced, nana is only a level 3 and so is very easily combo-able. I have always found the easiest approach to dealing with the ICs is to split the siblings (purple pikmin throw, dsmash, and nair all work wonders), gimp nana, and then deal with popo mano-y-mano.
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