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Rate my friends olimar


Smash Cadet
Jan 3, 2008
He's probaby around my skill level a week ago. If I may offer tips, he should up his offense, since I used to basically just defend, and when I became more offensive it helped a lot. Also, he's kinda predictable, if he varied his moves a little he'd get in more hits. :)


Smash Journeyman
Mar 14, 2008
Switch FC
I thought your friend handled the battle with Lucario extremely well. He used a great blend of defensive and offensive tactics. He only approached Lucario once he was at high percentages. He made good decisions, overall, throughout the match.

Against Toon Link, I felt that LeX allowed Toon Link to gain control of the stage by letting him spam projectiles. Olimar can counter this by throwing Pikmin frequently. All of Toon Link's projectiles can be blocked when they contact Pikmin. Olimar seemed a bit too offensive, in the sense that he should've thrown Pikmin more often. I have to commend the Toon Link in that video though. That was a very good Toon Link. Great use of the boomerang. Again, however, I feel like Olimar should have controlled the battle more by playing more defensively.


Smash Cadet
Mar 21, 2008
West Palm Beach, Florida
Thanks for the criticism. Its harder for me to play defensive, ergo, my play style is generally aggressive. His Toon Link is no match for me ;) (Although its slightly decent :])


Smash Champion
Jan 4, 2008
Lake Oswego, OR
I watched the Lucario match, and I have to say you handled it well, as far as avoiding his stuff. Though I think you really need to learn your kill moves and stage control tactics so as he doesn't even have to take that much damage to die. Basically, learn your kill moves.

For the Tink match, yeah, he controlled the match for the most part. Once again, learn your kill moves and your damaging stuff. You're well on your way (are any of us seriously Brawl veterans after only having the game for less than a month?).

My last comment to say is just that I feel you should be more defensive and more technical, though you have the shield-dash grabs down better than I do. Try to let your moves auto-cancel in the air, hyphen smashes, and overall holding your ground in a defensive manner.

Happy plucking. ^_O


Smash Rookie
Mar 22, 2008
I just watched the first one a bit.

The lucario seems VERY bad, he basically just stands there at the other end of the map and waits to be attacked.

Olimar should step up his offense when the enemy is just standing still doing noting

Olimar seems to stand in shield and just wait for Lucario when Lucario begins to come towards him at all. Olimar needs to stay active and keep playing instead of waiting to be attacked in shield. It honestly seems like you just stop playing for 1 second periodically, don't let Lucario just beat on you whenever he comes close. Utilize side B when Lucario is waiting in range.

These are just my interpretations, but you need to be more proactive.

LiMe ¤ FuRy

Smash Journeyman
May 3, 2006
561 (SFL)

Haha, all of the posts are saying how my Olimar has to be more defensive or offensive. Which? A balance between the two? I don't think so, thats why there are playstyles. Anyways, thanks for the criticism. Its much appreciated.

Wilde: Its not entirely necessary for me to move. What If I was reading him? Its just a video, you can't see the mindgames by just watching it. Staying in shield is a tactic; since he was playing rather aggressively and Lucario has some lag after his aerials, I decide to punish him for it. I really don't think proactive= win. Re-evaluate what you're about to post before you do so. Again, thank you for the criticism.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 14, 2008
Switch FC
Hi there, mate. I believe it was appropriate for Olimar to be defensive during the Lucario match. Just like LiMe FuRy said, the best way to handle an aggressive opponent is to be defensive and focus on punishment. Olimar can easily lose control of the stage if he is too offensive against an already aggressive opponent.


Smash Rookie
Mar 22, 2008
They asked for opinions/criticisms and I gave mine. Not everyone will love every critique (especially the ones that leave out the unnecessary praise) and there are many different strategies that can lead to the same result.

No strategy/playstyle is the only viable one for a given fight, if you don't think being proactive is good that's fine, but that's what I saw and I believe would be effective in the situation. A strong defensive or a strong offensive style may both be equally effective, period.

templar rage

Smash Cadet
Feb 26, 2008
Very nimble in the Lucario match, I like that. He didn't land a hit until he was up over 100, and with that defensive style, that took a bit. I do agree that you need to step up the offense a tad, but only a tad because Olimar shines more on defense, I think
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