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Rate my Diddy!


Smash Cadet
Mar 19, 2008
Looks like you really had a good concept on spacing, and how metaknight functions... It was good, but I think you need to work on your landing..

Looks like you know how to get the landing with the rolls right, just make sure you pick up those bananas when you land, I like to use an Up Air cancel to pick them up, or a air dodge...

The ROB fight you did look good in, but their are a few things I would like to point out... Number one, avoid using yoru downsmash so frequently in this fight... very easy spot dodge to down a spin for rob... Actually, you are probably lucky the rob wasn't playing quite so campy as most of them do...
When I fight Rob , the Majority of the time I like to keep one banana out instead of 2... ROB has very easy access to your bananas once he gets that top on the stage and pushes you back with his lazer...make sure you focus on throwing your bananas right before rob hits the ground...
Be careful of robs neutral air, their are points when he can use his neutral air and cancel the lag by going into an immediate downsmash when he lands on the ground...
Use your downtilt often! you can usually get 3 to 4 off before he can escape it... the diddy side b kick is going to be helpful when you are on stage... the up tilt is very important...

oh! and lastly, when recovering back onto the stage (this one was quite a bit more aggressive than most robs...) you are going to find a lot of neutral airs preventing you from climbing back onto the stage... good luck with that!!

All in all, you did well against the opponents you had though..


Smash Cadet
May 31, 2008
i watched the MK fight.

man, that was not a good MK at all, you should fight someone a lil it better.

My advice is better throwing, a couple of times u d-throw and a f-throw woulda killed him.

Diddys foward throw is ridiculusly good.


Sinbad: King of Sindria
Dec 13, 2007
Chicago Illinois
your Diddy isnt bad but throwing the bananas in the air like that doesnt really accomplish anything. Because of Metaknight being a small target, if you wanted to throw bananas up in the air so badly. Your better off doing the instant ground toss if your far away from Metaknight. By the way you can tilt your shield up when he uses the tornado and when you grab him, pummel him 2 or 3 times and then throw him. Good spacing however and good peanut gun uses but try to use a little bit more more mind games with the Peanut Gun. Such as the Peanut Gun Cancel.
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