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Rate my Dedede?


Smash Apprentice
Mar 3, 2008
I have three videos from my tournament yesterday. As it says in my video descriptions, I couldn't find anyone to record round three, round four, Winner's Semifinals, or Winner's Finals. I hope this'll be enough.

Round one

Round two

Tournament Finals

Oh, and I have two questions.
First, is there any possiblity that Dedede's chaingrab is/will be banned in tournaments?
Second, is there even the tiniest, most miniscule chance that the playable character "King Dedede" will be banned in tournaments? (WTF??!?!?!?)

The organizer of the tournament said that a WoW pro who is also pro with Brawl helped him decide on the rules for the tournament. This unnamed "pro" said that "exploits", such as Dedede's chaingrab, are banned from "top tier" tournaments. The "pro" also said that King Dedede is usually banned because of his chaingrab!

I'm hearing all of this second-hand, so some of it could have been lost in translation, but I highly doubt that any of it is remotely true.

Oh, and just to let you know; after the Semifinals, the organizer decided that "exploits" should be banned. I asked him, and I made sure that I could Dthrow, and then grab once, and only once, more.
This is why I sometimes refrained from continuing a chaingrab in the Finals.

I'll greatly appreciate any suggestions you can give me.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 29, 2008
Baton Rouge, LA
Whoever said that is bull****iing you, because then they would have to ban falco's CG too, then there no way Falco could be top tier.

Anyway, IMO I find dair to be preety useful IF you use it sparingly and dont miss with it. I didnt see you use it once. You should also try to stage spike more, it works pretty well on Wolf. Also when somone w/ a gimpy recovery is off the edge, try to jump-> bair-> jump-> bair then jump once more the oposite way and try to hit the ledge. Uhh im not really pro or anything at DDD but I hope this helped.

Props on the dodgin skills too. **** that kirby was a noob.

My 2 C. GL


Smash Apprentice
Mar 3, 2008
Recognize: Thanks for the input! Here's my reasons:

I don't Dair much/at all because I hate the lag that comes from landing too early with it. I actually did use it, though; I used it twice in the Finals, just to get him to drop his shield, thinking I was giving an opening. :)
I'll certainly admit that it'd be very useful to learn, though. I'll try to do it more often.

As for the lack of air game I used..... Well, to be honest, this is the First time I've played against a human (except for my friends, who aren't quite as good as the Wolf). You should see my air game against predictable opponents, such as CPU's!

Thanks for the props, and for the comment.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 3, 2008
whut?: I appreciate the tips, I really do, but I found a few of those tips to be almost offensive. Specifically, the "Get a strong handle on Dedede's up-B" thing. Aside from that one time, I can't recall a time in the past week or three when I've hit my head like that. It was a fluke, in other words.


Smash Journeyman
May 2, 2008
long island, NY
whut?: I appreciate the tips, I really do, but I found a few of those tips to be almost offensive. Specifically, the "Get a strong handle on Dedede's up-B" thing. Aside from that one time, I can't recall a time in the past week or three when I've hit my head like that. It was a fluke, in other words.
eh "handle" may sound weird, but im just messing dood, everyone on these boards has done that at one point or another. the way i write sometimes comes across as offensive..
but i got no reason to be a ****, really!
keep lurkin here, everyone learns from everyone else


Smash Master
Jun 6, 2006
good work, it was pretty funny how they booed you and not the wolf...you played better...

i didnt even want to finish watching that kirby fight, it sucked...

pretty good...work on spacing and making your opponent fall onto your grabs or attacks...aka mindgames


Smash Apprentice
Mar 12, 2008
new york
in reference to the ariel game, i thnk you should work on that, it didnt' look bad and i know you play with cpus allot, but when i play with dedede i'm in the air mmost of the game, especailly i woould rock out my edgegame, with his jumps and bair and fair, i almost totally try to jsut get the gy off the ledge, then D3 can just do a slew of ariels to knck them out


Smash Apprentice
Mar 3, 2008
saberhof: Definately thanks for the suggestions. Ill see what I can come up with.

thesultan2112: The only problem being that everyone around here plays ridiculously defensive. I can barely get them off the stage at all, and even when I can get them off, they magically dodge through all of my attacks.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 29, 2007
you missed a couple of ko opportunities

vrs wolf who spams laser...

throw two waddles...pick them up and re throw...works magic when done correctly

you seemed kinda unsure about your air game...both on and off the ledge

try to CG your opponent to the end of the stage and fight the urge to forward throw...down throw again and immediately chase them...this helped my younger brother grow accustom to chasing off the ledge...and ultimately helped his air game

i saw a few non-shield canceled dash grabs...try to shield cancel all of your dash grabs (if you miss...you can automatically go to shield...much better then rolling around on the ground)

edit:they would have to ban IC's / falco / dedede
no universal CG bans are going to be enforced...


Smash Master
Jun 6, 2006
thesultan2112: The only problem being that everyone around here plays ridiculously defensive. I can barely get them off the stage at all, and even when I can get them off, they magically dodge through all of my attacks.
defensive?...if so, you should try pressuring them, like come close by throwing wadles then jump over them as if you are going to attack but just jump over them and grab, theres always a way to get them to stop doing what they are doing...
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