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Rate/Critique Coyn3's diddy :)?


Smash Lord
Dec 21, 2008
The World That Never Was
Honestly you need some offline vids to get a accurate read on your playstyle. I only seen the 1st 2 vids vs falco and from what i've seen your diddy is extremley slow. Of course this could be cause it's wifi. Diddy is a momentum char. If he gets going he can deal 40-70% easily. You have to keep the momentum up with diddy. Also i saw very miminal nanner usage in the 1st and 2nd vid. I know this was against falco but even against him smart nanner placement is key. Of course u can't go head on with the nannerz against falco like u can most of the cast. When i go against falco a shorthop to z drop banana over top of him works well which can then lead to combos. Also i side b falco more then any other char. And while u can't spam bananas against falco always keep them out so they can be on the ground as that will stop his chaingrab.
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