The Rankings on Smashboards works essentially like how professional tennis works.
The basics:
- Each tournament is given points based on size (50 points for a local, for example)
- Each placement gives the players a certain percentage of that score (1st gets 100%, 2nd gets 75%, 3rd gets 65%, etc)
- Only tournaments in the past 12 months count toward your rank score
- Your top 10 performances (ie, point earnings) in those 12 months are the only tournaments counted
- Your tournament points from the past 12 months are added up, then divided by 10 to get your final rank score (this is the score used to determine the ranks)
- Even if you have less than 10 tournaments in the ranking system, your points will still be divided by 10 (this is to encourage activity, as well as removed the off-chance that someone could win a huge tournament and then not enter another one for a whole year so they can get ranked #1)
The score probably didn't match up because the points that they post on the main rankings is the players total points from all tournaments attended, when their rank score is their top 10 tournaments in the past 12 months points added up and divided by 10.
As far as double elimination tournaments and no presence of an 'official' league or tournament series go, the rankings on here do a very good job at ranking players from separate regions into one list (the biggest problem though is that some regions don't upload their tournaments to the system very much or at all, which skews things a little bit; also, regions with many tournaments and huge turnout will produce more higher ranked players simply from massive point accumulation).
If you want to become a TO, talk to your local scene about doing it.
It looks like you're from San Jose, so jump on the NorCal facebook group and let them know you're interested.
As far as tier list goes, local metagames are too small of a sample size to really create any legitimate tier list (I think SoCal is probably the only region in the world that could get away with having a decently accurate local tier list).
Hope my info help.