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Questions about SSBB's online modes

Star Ryan

Smash Cadet
Jun 13, 2008
Grimsby, UK
Right, I live in the UK, and Brawl is released here in 9 days; Well excited for it's release, but I worry about a few things:

Is it possible to have 2 or 3 people on the same Wii, brawling against online opponents?

Anybody in the UK with US Brawl that plays against another UK player with US Brawl; How bad is the lag UK to UK?

What are the restrictions of the online modes? What can't you do that you can offline (not taking lag into account). What options are/aren't available?

Thanks in advance! :)


Smash Journeyman
Mar 18, 2008
Okinawa, Japan
You can have more than one person playing if your set up the match with friend-codes.

On the other, however, its only one person at a time.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 31, 2007
I can answer your questions:
1 - It is not possible possible to have 2 or 3 people on the same Wii, brawling against online opponents in WITH ANYONE. However you can if your in WITH FRIENDS.
2 - I would imagine the lag is pretty bad. There is lag when I play people on the East coast of the US and I live on the West coast of the US. I am not 100% positive since I have never played a UK person but I'm sure the lag is bad.
3 - There are tons of modes to play when not online! Classic mode, Tournament mode, Subspace Emissary, Stage Builder, Coin Launcher, and more! Plus ones you can unlock. The modes available online are Spectator, a basic Brawl, Team battles, Home Run Contest, and Multi Man Brawl.

Hope this helped!
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