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Question for the Falcon mains!


Smash Journeyman
Jun 1, 2008
I'm just curious. Sorry if you've heard this many a times before. ;D (I've just been contemplating it as I've played noodle numerous times) and He's very good with Falcon. Get's with me on numerous occasions very often. I find them to be fun matches.

I'm a average CF player. He's not my main or my main interest even to play as, far as favorable characters that I enjoy playing with , to learn to the best to my ability. (Mario for example is my main) I get thoroughly stomped by half of the roster often with him, but I bounce back and win at times. Because Mario's my dude on brawl lol.

Now I'm in no way comparing Mario to Falcon. Obviously Falcon has a way harder time then Mario for obvious reasons. CF doesnt have much of anything unfortunatly in brawl. He's a character that looks full of potential with no oomph behind any of it other then his taunts.

Well, where i'm getting at is. From what i've gathered thus far from my time being on smashboards, hearing numerous peoples opinions on "The last character on tier list potential wise", and "The worst character on brawl, with zero potential even" & as well as the vibe I get when reading the falcon boards post' seldomnly from time to time. Is the mentality that CF has no chance whatsoever against "Any" character on the roster. None

Is this really the case? I'm just wondering if it's that severe. Or if it's lack of drive for using the character or a combination of these things plus more. I get done thoroughly when I use Falcon, but he's not my character so I don't count it. Would be the equivalent of me playing as ness, no drive to learn to get better withthe guy. He doesnt interest me.This is the Falcon boards so I figured i'd ask this here. Since ya'll should know alot about the character then I'd be able to imagine or comprehend at this point in time.

Thanks ~Boshi


Smash Apprentice
Aug 3, 2008
Mmm, he lacks a lot of redeeming features and he has some of the worst match ups in the game to be perfectly honest A lot of matches you'll be working yourself up hill through it... Thats what really hurt him to be honest.

But in no way shape or form does he lack all potential to be good. Its just he's one of the hardest to. He has low priority and sucky approach so he has to punish a lot. A LOT. He requires a lot of practice to get good with and even then you'll still have a hard time against higher tiers but he can be really good.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 1, 2008
I'm not even a Falcon main and I can answer this easily.

Three words: super dash grab.
Lol. Wow. That's it? Dash grab?

Mmm, he lacks a lot of redeeming features and he has some of the worst match ups in the game to be perfectly honest A lot of matches you'll be working yourself up hill through it... Thats what really hurt him to be honest.

But in no way shape or form does he lack all potential to be good. Its just he's one of the hardest to. He has low priority and sucky approach so he has to punish a lot. A LOT. He requires a lot of practice to get good with and even then you'll still have a hard time against higher tiers but he can be really good.
I see. Yeah, it seems that way Majora. All i've been reading on this forum is people giving up on the character altogether or ignorant people coming in saying ya'll are attempting to do what "Gimpyfish did to Bowser" Lol. I found that to be intriquing at best.

Master Knight DH

Smash Journeyman
Apr 1, 2008
Well, you saw my topic, right?

Falcon may have to punish a lot, but he can punish quite a few things if you're smart.


Smash Lord
Jun 14, 2008
near San Jose, California
If we ever find a way to knock people down into a jab-lock we could end up with a combo to Falcon Punch. Is that not potential? The strength of Falcon Punch and Knee gives Falcon more potential than most characters, and his speed gives him possibly the best mindgame potential. Falcon has nowhere to go but up.


Smash Ace
Jun 14, 2008
If we ever find a way to knock people down into a jab-lock we could end up with a combo to Falcon Punch. Is that not potential? The strength of Falcon Punch and Knee gives Falcon more potential than most characters, and his speed gives him possibly the best mindgame potential. Falcon has nowhere to go but up.
Well, yeah, he has nowhere to go but up. He's at the bottom. Can't exactly go down, can he?

Seriously, though, Falcon's far better than he gets credit for. He has some matchups where he's thoroughly f*cked, but he has some serious advantages. His speed is way good. Plus, the versatility of uair and nair.


Smash Champion
May 21, 2008
Logroño, Spain
Captain falcon is the hardcore mode of brawl, i only play with him, you can beat every character with him "except MK", is hard?, Yesz! but is funny.

You should focus in mind games to beat some oponents


Needs to try harder
Mar 3, 2008
Yes he stands a chance, and I'll be ****ed before I see him bottom tier on the next list. We falcon users gotta step it up and rep him more :p. I know its tough but with hard work and determination we could own it up with him. Somebody's gotta bump him up by playing well with him in order to show the world his hidden potential.
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