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PSA Generating Beam Sword as a weapon


Smash Journeyman
Nov 12, 2007
I know that a Ganondorf has been made which generates a Beam Sword, which is invisible and made to appear as the sword from his taunt, when pressing one of his taunt buttons. He can then continue to use it as though it is a normal beamsword.

Does anyone know how this was accomplished? If possible, could someone walk me through the process of giving someone like Wolf a beamsword through one of his taunts?

I'm fairly new to PSA and I really have no idea where to even start with something like this. I'm planning an in-depth vertexing/texture project for Wolf to make Kelger Vlondett from FinalFantasy 5. He is a werewolf with armor, much like Wolf, however he would need to have a sword.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 11, 2008
I don't think any such Ganon has been made, his actual sword article was usually used, with his beam sword sounds and animations.

It's not too hard to give Wolf a sword; you could use any sword in the game and turn it into Wolf's personal permanent GFX and leave it in his hand and use his beam sword animations.

With the whole sheathing thing, you could do what some movesets with multiple movesets are doing. By that, I mean a moveset where taunting changes some of the moves, or in Eldiran's Sword Ganon's case, one moveset uses sword moves and the other uses hand-to-hand combat.

To do that, you could have a variable that detects whether the sword is out or not, and to do the according moves.

If you need any more clarification, continue asking!


Smash Journeyman
Nov 12, 2007
Now that I think about it, I think the sword ganon i'm referring to is just a moveset swap with his taunt, rather than just giving him the sword as an item. I havn't really used it much to find out.

If you could give me a rough draft of the ifs and parameters and such that would be needed for it/how to set it up so a taunt switchs movests or direct me to another page where someone has went into detail about how exactly it would be done would be greatly appreciated. You seem to be extremely knowledgeable in the subject and I can't think of anyone better to ask.

I think the way I would want to do it is to have a sword (beam sword or whatever) generate just for certain attacks, like his forward smash and a few aerial attacks. Then I'l completly change his B moves and see what I can end up with. So I wouldn't really need it to "draw" the sword with a taunt unless it would be easier to make it happen in that fashion.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 11, 2008
To switch movesets using taunts, it's really simple!

I'll explain it to you instead of showing you lines of code so you can understand it easier.

In the taunt subaction, there'll be a bit variable (that is, a boolean, it can either be set or cleared). If it's set, then clear it; if it's cleared, then set it.

In the attacks that will have multiple versions, just have If statements detecting whether that variable is set or cleared, and each state will lead to a different attack.

If you don't understand it or if I wasn't clear, don't hesitate to keep asking questions!

To generate a Beam Sword, it's really easy!

Just put this line in:

Generate Item: 0-4

And to get rid of it, just use Consume Item.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 12, 2007
Thanks again. I just played around with a few things. I think for now I'm just going to make him generate a normal beam sword with a taunt, with a different taunt to consume it. If this works well I'l try to make it a bit more complex.

I copied link's speciallw's "main" and "other" sections and pasted it over wolf's uptaunt in the corresponding sections. I then made a generate item: 0-4: in this uptaunt. Then made a consume item in the down taunt. Correct so far?

In the "consume item", do I need to specify which parameter or just leave it all 0's? I'm guessing I have to set it to consume 04l?

I watched a tutorial which said to use Link's bomb generating information to save the trouble of setting up the fields yourself.

As far as texturing the beam sword, I can't find any guides for this, so where would you recommend getting ahold of the beam sword's file so I can edit it?


Smash Journeyman
Dec 11, 2008
You don't really need to copy Link's events at all... the Generate Item will just make Wolf generate the Beam Sword already.

So far, what you've done is have the up taunt generate a Beam Sword and the down taunt consume the Beam Sword (leave the parameters of Consume Item all 0's). However, you've overlooked a few common mistakes.

1. The down taunt will consume any item you're holding. Even if it's not the Beam Sword you drew, even if it's just some item you just picked up.
2. If I were playing as this PSA, I'd probably just generate Beam Swords and throw them all over the place.

Also, I believe (not sure) that you can get ahold of the Beam Sword .brres in common3_en.pac. However, editing the beam sword and using the edited common3_en.pac will edit all Beam Swords, so I think what you're looking for to solve all of the above problems is to turn the Beam Sword into a personal graphic effect.

You can take whatever sword you want, don't feel limited to only Beam Swords! You can take BeyondYou's Darth Vader's lightsaber, or his Nightmare's Soul Edge. You can take any sword model you can get ahold of, really. All you have to do after that is replace one of Wolf's GFX with it, textures and model. Give it an animation of as many frames as possible so it can last long and then just position it in his hand, and it should stay there.

Instead of generating a Beam Sword in the up taunt, have the up taunt generate the graphic effect, so you can't throw it, and the down taunt will delete the graphic.

You might run into some other problems, though, like holding both the GFX and a real Beam Sword in the same hand.

I hope that makes sense, and hope you do a great job on your Wolf PSA! It sounds very interesting and a good idea!


Smash Journeyman
Nov 12, 2007
Thats all very interesting. I never use items anyway, so it doesn't matter to me if every beam sword ends up with this texture XD.

The gfx method sounds like too much work for me right now, so I'l go with the first method at this time.

Ok now, I threw out the pac I just did and started it fresh.

With wolf I never purposefully use his normal Down A attack, so I just removed all of its information and put the generate sword in there. I put the consume in one of his taunts.

I'm wondering, if I were to set up "consume item"s in his throw item animations, would it consume it before it was tossed, rending it unable to be thrown? This could solve one of the balancing issues, as beamswords are so overpowered when thrown.

On a different note, I think I recall seeing a double scouter Wolf model somewhere, but after playing around with brawlbox, and the other tools, I think I might have been mistaken. Because I can't find this model anywhere online and i'm not aware of any way to duplicate a piece like that. Is it even possible? Kelger Vlondett has a sort of crown thing on both sides of his head, which I could make perfectly through vertexxing, if I could somehow get a scouter on both sides.

EDIT: I just checked the common3 and yes the beamsword's model/texture is there. Thank you for that link.


May 7, 2008
Macomb, MI
Do not use Consume Item to get rid of it; use "Obliterate Held Item". Consume item causes crashes with some items..


Smash Journeyman
Nov 12, 2007
Thanks. I havn't tested it yet, so I guess you'v saved me from yet another few moments of the annoying buzz XD.

Edit: Obliterate Held Item is not in the list...maybe my verstion of psa is outdated or something?


Smash Journeyman
Nov 12, 2007
ok ill look for it and change it.

also, so i dont have to make another topic so soon, is there any way of giving ROB Falco's Side B? I tried it and no matter what i do, ROB just dashes forward 4 frames then appears back at the starting position again. I gave him his own animations and copied what was in Falcos .pac almost exactly, even remembered to set the animation flag to move character, which i assumed would make him stay in that position. But he doesnt. It doesnt even have a hitbox that i can find. Even worse, if i use it in the air he just floats in the direction i was going until attacked or i go out of screen. Cant cancel it or anything.
: /


Smash Journeyman
Nov 12, 2007
I thought that Moves Character would have to be checked in order to make Rob move to the new position, because it is also checked for Falco if I'm not mistaken. I'l uncheck it and see what it does.

Back on topic:

The code you gave earlier 1F0A0000, there is nothing corresponding to it in the dropdown menu for me. I pasted it in and now I have (under the subaction for his downtaunt)

Asynchronous Timer: frames=109
Allow Interupt:

Was I supposed to just paste 1F0A0000 in like that to end up with this, or am I missing "obliterate held item" for some reason ?


The beamsword generation is working now.
The way in which I have the 1F0A0000 is working also.
I think I'l just put it on his throw's so that pressing Z makes it disappear instead of being thrown.

Thank you both very much.

On a similar note, how would I go about removing the blue glow from the beamsword? Also is there anyway to reduce the insane range of beamsword attacks? Most of wolf's attacks with it cover half the stage, on any fair stages anyway (fd and such) -.-


Smash Journeyman
Dec 11, 2008
Some events, like 1F0A0000, aren't in your events list because they weren't discovered yet.

You should use this tool to update your events. Just put it in the same folder as the Events.txt and that stuff and double-click on the program. It should automatically update the lists and things like Obliterate Held Item will show up in the list.

But for you, if it's not in the list, then you're still doing the right thing by pasting it in and treating it like an event with a name.

I don't know how to remove the blue glow, but it might have something to do with this:

This probably isn't very exciting, but event 1F0C0100 (1 parameter that is "value", value must be 64) starts the beam sword trail, if you're holding one. Probably has more uses among battering weapons.
And I don't know how to reduce the range, sorry...


May 7, 2008
Macomb, MI
There's not really anything you can do about those without editing animations or changing it for all characters..

Also, there are new texts, they're a little glitchy though, and slightly outdated.

Get it here (Thanks Shanus)


Smash Journeyman
Nov 12, 2007
Thanks. I'l update PSA then. I knew there were updates to it's lists but I didn't know where to find them. People were always talking about them but no one ever provided links XD.

Its all updated now. Thanks again.


May 7, 2008
Macomb, MI
It doesn't "open", it just updates them silently (check the dates on them after you doubleclick it)


Smash Journeyman
Nov 12, 2007
oh you must have caught my previous edit at just the right time XD. I figured out how it worked seconds after writing that and edited it to what it shows now.

lol at "doubleclick" and smashboard's poor font choice. For a moment there I thought you said something else XD.

On Topic:

I guess the whole beamsword business is finished now, but I have one more question.

After browsing through Wolf's animations, I found his attack100 animation, which is the exact same as Fox's. How could I work this into replace his neutral A attacks? I left his Attack 11 as the starting hit. Then changed attack12 into all of the information from Fox's Attack100Start, renaming wolf's attack 12 as Attack100 start. The same as fox, I left this subaction empty. I then put all of the information from Fox's Attack100 into Wolf's new Attack100 subaction. I'v then tried to set it to his bones and such but I can't seem to get the hitbox to work period. Wolf carries out the animation once, but it doesn't have any effect.

I messed with a few of the things in the Attack100, added in a couple of collisions attached to bone 16 which should be Wolf's foot right? I'm going to test it now, so expect an edit in a few minutes.


Even with the collisions set to his bones, there doesn't appear to be any real hitbox. It just isn't working. I guess I'l just get rid of it.
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