So... is there a surefire way to make PSA's work on skins only? Like Metal Sonic skin with a different PSA than the original model? I have this Ice Mario and Super Sonic I want to use, but not if I have to sacrifice their PM movesets...
If I understand, you're asking if there's a way to tell if a particular "skin" (a model/texture) will work with a character's P:M moveset. Here's a couple of things to keep in mind when picking models/textures:
1. If it's just a texture (the colors are changed, but the character's models are the same), it has no effect on gameplay, so it'll work fine.
2. If it's a model, there can sometimes be issues with how it was rigged (that is, how the joints on the model were configured), which might cause it to move in strange ways. This problem isn't that common in my experience, though.
3. If the skin's description either notes a change in how the bones are set up, or a sizemod is made for it (the model is bigger or smaller than the normal character due to either something in the model's file or an attached Fit___MotionEtc.pac), then there's changes to how the character works that will probably interfere with gameplay. The only way this can be worked around is if the creator(s) includes a modified version of the P:M MotionEtc file, but I'm pretty sure it still wouldn't be Wifi-safe if you care about that.
Basically, you're in the clear most of the time. If you have more questions, let me know.