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Project M Social Thread

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Ike 'n' Ike
May 8, 2009
Orlando, FL
Lol oh its not that bad, this thread has seen much worse.
L-canceling discussion (at least two or three different occasions), Lucario when the OHC system was revealed, and experimental Bowser (which was an accident to reveal anyways). This doesn't even compare.


Smash Champion
Jan 11, 2012
Vancouver, BC, Canada

Lol, but seriously, I agree with that idea! More videos like the charizard and lucario video would create big hype for the game.

Kind of like a character spotlight :p

as much as I hate to bring it up....similar to hero/champion spotlights for dota/hon/league, as those spotlight videos create huge hype, and it's really just showing the character, what's been added/removed, and how it plays and all that jazz. Just throw in some music, a cool intro and insta-hype :D

But yeah, lol it's alot easier said than done and since no one (probably) has the time to do those, (cuz everyone is busy releasing demo2) and thats cool too. Maybe a new DOJO!-esque blog post about the new characters? Should be simple enough way to generate hype.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 10, 2011
@ The marth thing:

As a marth main, I'm perfectly fine with him being worse in the tiers. The goal of the P:M is to make every character viable and balanced in a melee environment, and that just means the other characters are fitting into that sweetspot of balance between Marth and Fox that is S rank characters.

Maybe, after P:M gets released, he'll get a nice buff to make him more viable and 200 balance patches later he'll have 50:50 match-ups across the board, but for now, he's fine. He can drop to B or C tier as long as he's just as powerful relative to himself as he was before and as long as we have the knowledge that like every other character, he will still be viable.


Smash Lord
Nov 9, 2006
irvine, CA
lets talk about something fun

in order to balance the lolbrawl recoveries in hopes of maintaining the entertaining nature of the famed melee clutch recovery situations, it was deemed necessary to try to make recovery moves across the board have the same risk factor involved as melee veterans. the recoveries i am specifically talking about are ones that provide boosts of momentum with no specialfall tacked on the end. almost all of them were either made so that the character goes into specialfall, or loses the ability to air dodge afterwards. in melee, airdodges provide a boost of movement in any direction you want, but in brawl this was not the case.

just to recap what was done to these boost of movement upBs with no specialfall:
-sonic's upB launches sonic greatly into the air, allowing him to perform aerials, but puts him into a special falling animation which disables all over B moves and air dodges until he hits the floor.
-snake's cypher ascends snake steadily with a recurring electric hitbox. this cannot be air dodged out of and snake cannot air dodge after releasing the cypher either.
-GW essentially retains his brawl upB but loses the umbrella and the ability to air dodge. this was done to improve his combo game.
-yoshis upB was left as melee
-wario's sideB is no longer a bike, and now goes into specialfall

however, there's one exception: ROB. ROB's recovery involves using "boosts" with his sideB and upB up 3 times (you can go up up up, up left right, left left up, etc) giving this move a lot of varied and unpredictable movement. each of these boosts are essentially air-dodge length bursts of movement with no debilitating effects such as losing an air dodge or the ability to do other B moves (though this wouldn't make sense). also, rob's bair gets a little momentum boost making rob's horizontal recovery movement quite potent.

so smashboards, what do you guys think? based on recurring recovering themes in melee, do you think it's fine to leave this option for ROB in?


Smash Champion
Jan 11, 2012
Vancouver, BC, Canada
@ rob recovery:
It's hard to say without having actually played against it a few times to have the experience of dealing with it, (no one played rob against me :( and I only played him once in teams) so my knowledge is greatly limited.

However, from what I see in videos and in JCaesars stream, I think it's fine.. maybe remove the option of airdodging after? I like his current recovery much better than his vbrawl recovery because it gives rob a ton of aerial manuverability on stage (for example, as an approach perhaps?) which I feel compliments his strong set of aerials. Sometimes you can still kind've predict how rob will use his boosts based on the position he's recovering from, so it isn't impossible by any means to predict where he will be. I feel like puff is kind've similar in the sense that sometimes it's hard to predict where she will be when she gets back on the stage, but it isn't completely broken or anything. I think if something were to be done, perhaps just remove the ability to airdodge after his 2nd and/or 3rd boost maybe? Obviously I'm just throwing that out there, but perhaps with a bit of testing it could alleviate the problem you imply.

Just my thoughts. Don't have much competitive insight to offer on the subject or anything :p


Smash Champion
Apr 14, 2010

strangely, I don't really mind r.o.b's current up-b/side-b as it seems to be easily intercepted. it would be a different story tho if he could boost diagonally, but he can't.

has he been tested with only 2 boosts? I would like to think that bair boost+2nd jump+2 boosts+AD would be enough


Smash Master
Aug 3, 2007
Kirkland, Washington
I think that ROB's dashes are fine mechanic wise (balance wise I wouldn't be able to say), because in Melee Jigglypuff already has an even better no-special fall recovery in her multiple jumps and pound. Something you might do though is make it so that ROB goes into special fall after his third boost. This way he would only get 3 boosts total to recover, instead of the current situation where he has 3 normal boosts AND his AD boost.

EDIT: Seems I wasn't the only one to think of this, damn ninjas


Smash Hero
Jul 10, 2007
Hall of Dreams' Great Mausoleum
R.O.B. is fine with 3 boosts iff he only gets 1 back after being hit. They essentially act like something of extra jumps, and provide him with a good but predictable recovery that when gimped should actually BE gimped.

ITT: I have no idea what happens at the moment when ROB is hit after using his boosts V:


Smash Hero
Dec 4, 2008
Wilmington, Delaware
Rob has some gay things about him but his recovery is very much fine. All you have to do is get him to use his jump/jumps and he's ****ed. In fact I was yelling on stream at one point because JC used all of his extra air jumps and cmart let him land.....:glare:


Smash Lord
Aug 3, 2004
All up in your personal space, NY
He gets one boost back from the ledge.
The system is rather strong, to be honest. I've had the luxury of playing with it and at least it is gimpable. I'd prefer him losing the air dodge at the end for symmetry's sake, but by the same token I wanted him to regain all boosts on the ledge. This way, he fits snugly into "momentum style recoveries". This is aesthetically pleasing and it lowers the barriers to entry for the game by a tad (something I mention constantly because I think this is one Very Important facet of the game's design that is overlooked).
To reiterate
I would really appreciate it if all "momentum" based recoveries had the same basic rule (no airdodge).

But Idk, JC has a design in mind, apparently.

Jiang, are you sure yoshi doesn't have brawl upB? He did when I played on Saturday with EternalYoshi.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 10, 2010
I have played quite a bit of project m and I think ROBs recovery is fine the wy it is. It is unique and being able to air dodge out of it gives rob different options and strategies for approaching and baiting. I would like to see rob retain his uniqueness


I R MarF

Smash Ace
Apr 2, 2010
At my house
Something you might do though is make it so that ROB goes into special fall after his third boost. This way he would only get 3 boosts total to recover, instead of the current situation where he has 3 normal boosts AND his AD boost.

EDIT: Seems I wasn't the only one to think of this, damn ninjas
I think I agree with this idea. I like all the little facets players learn to perform the ideal recovery for their character; Mario and Samus being great examples of this idea. Maybe in ROB's case, it could be the superiority of performing an AD as opposed to the third boost? This could be achieved by giving the 3rd boost a higher landfall special lag than AD. Idk, I'm just throwing ideas around


Smash Hero
May 28, 2004
Project MD
lets talk about something fun

in order to balance the lolbrawl recoveries in hopes of maintaining the entertaining nature of the famed melee clutch recovery situations, it was deemed necessary to try to make recovery moves across the board have the same risk factor involved as melee veterans. the recoveries i am specifically talking about are ones that provide boosts of momentum with no specialfall tacked on the end. almost all of them were either made so that the character goes into specialfall, or loses the ability to air dodge afterwards. in melee, airdodges provide a boost of movement in any direction you want, but in brawl this was not the case.

just to recap what was done to these boost of movement upBs with no specialfall:
-sonic's upB launches sonic greatly into the air, allowing him to perform aerials, but puts him into a special falling animation which disables all over B moves and air dodges until he hits the floor.
-snake's cypher ascends snake steadily with a recurring electric hitbox. this cannot be air dodged out of and snake cannot air dodge after releasing the cypher either.
-GW essentially retains his brawl upB but loses the umbrella and the ability to air dodge. this was done to improve his combo game.
-yoshis upB was left as melee
-wario's sideB is no longer a bike, and now goes into specialfall

however, there's one exception: ROB. ROB's recovery involves using "boosts" with his sideB and upB up 3 times (you can go up up up, up left right, left left up, etc) giving this move a lot of varied and unpredictable movement. each of these boosts are essentially air-dodge length bursts of movement with no debilitating effects such as losing an air dodge or the ability to do other B moves (though this wouldn't make sense). also, rob's bair gets a little momentum boost making rob's horizontal recovery movement quite potent.

so smashboards, what do you guys think? based on recurring recovering themes in melee, do you think it's fine to leave this option for ROB in?
You left out some pretty important details like how Sonic and Snake can both airdodge after up-B if they do an aerial first, G&W can use his 2nd jump after his up-B for recovery mixups, and how ROB gets nothing back when he gets hit or grabs the ledge (unless he has 0 boosts left when he grabs the ledge, in which case he gets 1 back).

For the record, we have playtested him using different airdodge restrictions such as the ones you guys are suggesting, and they all made him super easy to gimp. The current airdodge system works well in tandem with his Yoshi-style (i.e. one chance) recovery.



Smash Champion
Jan 11, 2012
Vancouver, BC, Canada
^ Well look at that, it's already been tested lol. Well, with all that being said, I'm personally fine with ROBs recovery the way it is. Like I said, if anything were done, I would say remove the airdodge at the last boost, but I suppose it's been tried and tested out so his recovery will more or less stay the same- which once again, I'm completely fine with lol


Smash Lord
Aug 3, 2004
All up in your personal space, NY
Ah, see I thought Jiang knew what was up.
As in, I thought this was a legitimate question being posed by the pmbr.
Otherwise, I probably wouldn't have gotten involved.

Well then.
Back to procrastinating.


Smash Hero
Jul 10, 2007
Hall of Dreams' Great Mausoleum
I agree with Cubela here. vBrawl R.O.B.'s bair, R.O.B.'s dair, Ivy's uair, Lucario's dair, and Ivy's dair are quite garish as moves and I don't think anything like them would be even considered if these characters were made in Melee's original development.


Smash Hero
Dec 4, 2008
Wilmington, Delaware
Well...Rob is not an original melee character. I hate him but I surely think it's silly to give him anything else right now. What would you do? give him the experimental Wario Bair but with longer range? Give him a Wolf-like Dair?...that would not fit him at all and it would just make him look even stupider....just keep him how he is.


Smash Hero
Dec 4, 2008
Wilmington, Delaware
Why? Well...I can actually see it being removed from Rob since he doesn't need it. Ivy could probably keep hers though I mean...why not. Falco/Fox can Shine stall after all:cool:.
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