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Project M D.I.Y. [Bugfixing Thread]

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Smash Cadet
Sep 21, 2014
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Ah, so you came to help me fix bugs, didya?
Thanks! I appreciate it!

Even though this whole pack has been a HUGE success so far, it has a LOT of bugs.
I have posted some of these bugs separate, but I realized that I could just put them all on one thread.

So that's why this exists. That is why I made this thread. And the sooner you guys help fix the problems,
the sooner I can release this to the public

(Also, I will put your username in the credits after the pack is released if you help fix a bug)

But before we start, PLEEEEEEEEASE read this:
Before telling me you suggestions on how to fix these, please make sure:
  1. You know what the heck your talking about
  2. You have a general understanding of how BrawlEx, Project M and BrawlBox all work
Also, be sure to specify which bug your talking about
Let's begin!


There are so many bugs and since wanted to give detailed descriptions of what the
problems are, I decided to put each bug in it's own spoiler. Take a look:

(Also, please excuse any bad image quality, I'm not perfect you know!)

FIXED!! Mewtwo's Shadow Ball is Invisible
This one continues to baffle me. For some strange reason, Mewtwo's shadow ball is completely invisible. This is currently one of the biggest problems I am having

So as you can see, his shadow ball is invisible while charging it up

AND while throwing it

But for some reason, it does indeed appear as a aura sphere when he is in a game with Lucario

Here are some of the details:

  • Mewtwo's clone ID is 3F

  • His cosmetic ID is 27

  • He is a Lucario clone

  • His clone name is Mewtwo

  • I am using his original Project M files none have been modified
    (except for his module file, which was replaced by a BrawlEx Lucario module, modified for his use)

  • I have looked multiple times in his Project M "FitMewtwo" and all the models and textures are there, so I honestly have no idea what could be wrong
UPDATE!! This has been fixed by @jasgx. Thanks again jasgx!

1. Open the FitMewtwo.pac file in BrawlBox

2. Rename "ef_muzio" to "ef_lucario"

FIXED!! Wario: Mismatch Costumes and Freezing
As you may know, Wario's costumes are swapped around in Project M. (His classic look comes first while his newer WarioWare look comes after in the costume selection) However, while his CSS Portraits work fine, his in-game costumes are still the same (ie: Selecting classic Wario (default in Project M) it will be the WarioWare costume. vice versa)

To solve this problem, I took my Wario costume files out of my Brawl file dump and renamed the files to the respective order. I even renamed the internal files to the respective costume slot using BrawlBox. (The first time I did not rename the internal files, the result happened) This did work, HOWEVER, it would make the game freeze when grabbing a ledge or occasionally when you get hit. I tested without these costume files and I can do both these things without freezing. I don't know If I forgot to rename some of the files or what

Yes, I realize that I COULD just rearrange the CSS Portraits, but I would like this to be JUST LIKE Project M with little to no glitches. I know it takes more work, but honestly I just want it to be as close to Project M as possible.

UPDATE This has been fixed by @ Moydow Moydow . Thanks again Moydow!

Since I'm talking about costume colour settings over here, I can help you with the Wario costume thing.

Set this order in CSSSlot15.dat, starting at the beginning of the third line:
0206 0007 070A 0308 090B 0109 0500 0001 0103 0302 0205 0804 0C00

FIXED!! Pokemon Trainer still exists, even after adding the individual Pokemon to the roster
Note: Keep in mind that I am using the CSSRoster.dat that is included with BrawlEx CSS Exspansion, NOT the Custom CSS GCT code.
(I could if it's compatible with BrawlEx, although I am not sure if it is. Please let me know if it is.)

I removed Pokemon Trainer from the roster and added his Pokemon to the roster instead (Squirtle, Ivysaur and Charizard) and after the battle starts, Pokemon Trainer is still there.

The Pokemon still have their Project M movesets, the thing is that when doing Down+B the Pokemon Trainer will TRY to switch out but will fail. (except for Charizard, he'll switch) After death they will switch to the next Pokemon.

UPDATE This has been fixed by @ Moydow Moydow . Thanks again Moydow!

Okay, I think I got the Pokémon fixed.

1. Add these to the GCT if they're not already there:
P.Trainer Infinite Stamina, originally by Phantom Wings [spunit262]
04A8BDAC 60000000

Independent Pokemon Engine +no wreck My Music V2 [spunit262]
06407BD0 0000000E
04030F0D 1E1B1F1B
201B211B 221B0000
C2684964 00000007
881400B8 2C00003F
41A00028 2C03001D
40A20008 3860001E
2C03001F 40A20008
38600020 2C030021
40A20008 38600022
987400B8 00000000
2. Add slots 1C (Charizard/Lizardon), 1D (Squirtle/Zenigame) and 1E (Ivysaur/Fushigisou) to the CSSRoster.dat where desired

3. Copy the CSSSlot1C, CSSSlot1D, and CSSSlot1E files marked [_Pokémon_ Alone] to the /BrawlEx/CSSSlotConfig/ folder

4. Copy the Slot1E, Slot20 and Slot22 files to /BrawlEx/SlotConfig/ (the files that have the Pokémon's names alone, not prefixed by Poke_)

FIXED!! Training Room Crash
This is a bug I don't have much info about but whenever playing training room, on any mode, with any rules, it will crash. It will load and as soon as the music starts playing it will do one of those *beeeeep* crashes. I have tried replacing the music with little success. I'm not sure what else to do.

I'm not sure what I did wrong, but I fixed it. Yay...

These are the only bugs I need assistance with so far, but keep checking to see any new ones have been posted. (Which I am sure will happen)

Remember, just tell me if you need me to post something extra (GCT codes, Fighter files, ect.)

Thanks in Advance,
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The fairest of them all
Aug 24, 2014
Since I'm talking about costume colour settings over here, I can help you with the Wario costume thing.

Set this order in CSSSlot15.dat, starting at the beginning of the third line:
02 06 00 07 07 0a 03 08 09 0b 01 09 05 00 00 01 01 03 03 02 02 05 08 04 0C 00
I had the exact same issue with Pokémon Trainer as well when I tried doing something like this. I'm sure I got it fixed eventually, but I cannot for the life of me remember how. If I figure it out again I'll let you know.
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Smash Cadet
Sep 21, 2014
Since I'm talking about costume colour settings over here, I can help you with the Wario costume thing.

Set this order in CSSSlot15.dat, starting at the beginning of the third line:
02 06 00 07 07 0a 03 08 09 0b 01 09 05 00 00 01 01 03 03 02 02 05 08 04
I had the exact same issue with Pokémon Trainer as well when I tried doing something like this. I'm sure I got it fixed eventually, but I cannot for the life of me remember how. If I figure it out again I'll let you know.
Thank you so much kind sir!


Smash Cadet
Sep 21, 2014
New bug added, training room crash (forgot to add it when I made it originally made the post)
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The fairest of them all
Aug 24, 2014
Okay, I think I got the Pokémon fixed.

1. Add these to the GCT if they're not already there:
P.Trainer Infinite Stamina, originally by Phantom Wings [spunit262]
04A8BDAC 60000000

Independent Pokemon Engine +no wreck My Music V2 [spunit262]
06407BD0 0000000E
04030F0D 1E1B1F1B
201B211B 221B0000
C2684964 00000007
881400B8 2C00003F
41A00028 2C03001D
40A20008 3860001E
2C03001F 40A20008
38600020 2C030021
40A20008 38600022
987400B8 00000000
2. Add slots 1C (Charizard/Lizardon), 1D (Squirtle/Zenigame) and 1E (Ivysaur/Fushigisou) to the CSSRoster.dat where desired

3. Copy the CSSSlot1C, CSSSlot1D, and CSSSlot1E files marked [_Pokémon_ Alone] to the /BrawlEx/CSSSlotConfig/ folder

4. Copy the Slot1E, Slot20 and Slot22 files to /BrawlEx/SlotConfig/ (the files that have the Pokémon's names alone, not prefixed by Poke_)


Smash Cadet
Sep 21, 2014
Okay, I think I got the Pokémon fixed.


1. Thanks, I'm going to try that!

2. While your Wario code worked, some of the costumes were mismatched. I looked at your tutorial on it to try and fix it but for some reason it would cause freezing. I noticed in the code you told me to enter, it had things like 0b and 0a. Did I do something wrong?

Here is the one I made:
02 06 00 07 07 10 03 08 09 11 01 09 05 00 00 01 01 03 03 02 02 05 08 04 0C 00
Yes, I started at the beginning of the third line
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The fairest of them all
Aug 24, 2014
ugh I left out the 0C00 bit, this is what I get for posting at 2am :p

0206 0007 070A 0308 090B 0109 0500 0001 0103 0302 0205 0804 0C00
Still the exact same order as you have though...
Those are hexadecimal numbers, so FitWario10 becomes 0A and 11 becomes 0B. Entering 10 and 11 will cause those numbers to be interpreted as FitWario16 and 17 respectively, which don't exist - hence why yours is freezing.

I dunno why they would be mismatched, unless you rearranged some of the portraits in BrawlBox yourself. Putting that code into CSSSlot15.dat should be the default PM order for Wario:


Smash Cadet
Sep 21, 2014
ugh I left out the 0C00 bit, this is what I get for posting at 2am :p

0206 0007 070A 0308 090B 0109 0500 0001 0103 0302 0205 0804 0C00
Still the exact same order as you have though...
Those are hexadecimal numbers, so FitWario10 becomes 0A and 11 becomes 0B. Entering 10 and 11 will cause those numbers to be interpreted as FitWario16 and 17 respectively, which don't exist - hence why yours is freezing.
The Wario costumes as well as the Individual Pokemon now work properly. I am not sure why the Wario costumes were mismatched the first time... oh well, thanks a ton!


The fairest of them all
Aug 24, 2014
The default characters (except Wario) are limited to 10 costumes, so you can't add any more to Mario. But for other characters:

1. Open the fighter config file (Fighter##.dat) in the BrawlEx Config Tool and tick the checkboxes for the costumes you want to add

2. Add the colour and costume ID to CSSSlot##.dat, before the 0C00

3. Add the cosmetic files (Stock icons, CSPs, etc.) using BrawlBox (big post here. wherever it says 111 (e.g. MiscData[111], InfStc1117), replace it with the character's cosmetic ID (one way to find this is to look in the char_bust_tex_lz77 folder of sc_selcharacter and find the relevant character. the MiscData[##] you find their CSPs in is their cosmetic ID))

(note to self: I really should make a list of where all these big posts are, or combine them all into one super-post, or something)
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Smash Cadet
Sep 21, 2014
The default characters (except Wario) are limited to 10 costumes, so you can't add any more to Mario. But for other characters:

1. Open the fighter config file (Fighter##.dat) in the BrawlEx Config Tool and tick the checkboxes for the costumes you want to add

2. Add the colour and costume ID to CSSSlot##.dat, before the 0C00

3. Add the cosmetic files (Stock icons, CSPs, etc.) using BrawlBox (big post here. wherever it says 111 (e.g. MiscData[111], InfStc1117), replace it with the character's cosmetic ID (one way to find this is to look in the char_bust_tex_lz77 folder of sc_selcharacter and find the relevant character. the MiscData[##] you find their CSPs in is their cosmetic ID))

(note to self: I really should make a list of where all these big posts are, or combine them all into one super-post, or something)

Sorry, I didn't wanna sound naggy or anything

But really, I appreciate all the help you've given me. Thanks again!


The fairest of them all
Aug 24, 2014
Sorry, I didn't wanna sound naggy or anything

But really, I appreciate all the help you've given me. Thanks again!
heh, wasn't referring to you :p It's just I have made a few of these big posts, and they seem to be needed every few days, so I reckon it'd be useful to have all of them listed somewhere so I can find them quickly.


Smash Cadet
Sep 21, 2014
heh, wasn't referring to you :p It's just I have made a few of these big posts, and they seem to be needed every few days, so I reckon it'd be useful to have all of them listed somewhere so I can find them quickly.
Ya, I guess that WOULD be pretty useful :chuckle:


Smash Cadet
Sep 21, 2014
Added a tiny bit more info about the training room crash. Hopefully it will be enough info for you guys to help me with :)


The fairest of them all
Aug 24, 2014
The issue with the Training Room sounds like it may be a problem with the REL module. Make sure none of the BrawlEx clones are using module ID 0x56, or try deleting and re-adding the st_otrain.rel file.


Smash Cadet
Sep 21, 2014
@ Moydow Moydow I checked and none of the clones are taking up that module id. I also re-added st_otrain.rel file but nothing happened. Any other Ideas?


The fairest of them all
Aug 24, 2014
Does this happen regardless of which characters you choose?
Usually this sort of crash (stage loads, then freezes as characters are entering) is usually due to it either trying to load a file that doesn't exist, or RELs clashing. Also, BrawlEx characters (including Roy and Mewtwo) can't have Kirby hats yet, so if any BrawlEx characters have the Kirby hat setting on in their FighterConfig file, and are entered in a battle against Kirby, it will freeze.


Smash Cadet
Sep 21, 2014
Does this happen regardless of which characters you choose?
Usually this sort of crash (stage loads, then freezes as characters are entering) is usually due to it either trying to load a file that doesn't exist, or RELs clashing. Also, BrawlEx characters (including Roy and Mewtwo) can't have Kirby hats yet, so if any BrawlEx characters have the Kirby hat setting on in their FighterConfig file, and are entered in a battle against Kirby, it will freeze.
This happens with any character I choose. I am not sure what is wrong : /
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Smash Cadet
Sep 21, 2014
Actually, the music starts going but it almost seems when Sandbag is about to hit the ground the game freezes. Could that be possible?


The fairest of them all
Aug 24, 2014
This is an unusual one. Could you send me your Gecko code files, the BrawlEx and module folders, and the STGONLINETRAINING.pac file from /stage/melee/? I'd like to have a look at what's happening myself.
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The fairest of them all
Aug 24, 2014
Ok, got the files, and funnily enough it works fine for me. Then again I removed all of the custom stage stuff first, so it may be that some of those are conflicting somehow.

edit: nope, still works when I add them back in.
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Smash Cadet
Sep 21, 2014
Ok, got the files, and funnily enough it works fine for me. Then again I removed all of the custom stage stuff first, so it may be that some of those are conflicting somehow.

edit: nope, still works when I add them back in.
I changed the map back to the default one that isn't from Project M and oddly it crashes faster 0_0

Although, sandbag came down faster. I'm going to change it to the default sandbag from my Brawl dump and see what happens

Edit: No luck :(
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The fairest of them all
Aug 24, 2014
I changed the map back to the default one that isn't from Project M and oddly it crashes faster 0_0
This would be because the REL module for PM's training room is incompatible with Brawl's training room (unless you removed the st_otrain.rel as well, in which case disregard this).

What I did was take a clean download of Project M, added in the files you sent me, then took the common2.pac from the standard BrawlEx package, and inserted the resources from the CSS Expansion kit there into the default PM files (the MiscData[13].rel goes into common3.pac, and the MenSelchrPos files go in sc_selcharacter in common5.pac).
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Smash Cadet
Sep 21, 2014
This would be because the REL module for PM's training room is incompatible with Brawl's training room (unless you removed the st_otrain.rel as well, in which case disregard this).

What I did was take a clean download of Project M, added in the files you sent me, then took the common2.pac from the standard BrawlEx package, and inserted the resources from the CSS Expansion kit there into the default PM files (the MiscData[13].rel goes into common3.pac, and the MenSelchrPos files go in sc_selcharacter in common5.pac).
Well its back to the project m one. Still crashing.

I use the folder hierarchy of BrawlEx and put Project M's pf folder where the pf folder goes. Then I put the core files from BrawlEx Clone Engine files in the pf folder and then then the CSS Expansion. That is how I set up what I have now. Could that have something to do with this problem?

Edit: from what I know no other stages crash like this
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The fairest of them all
Aug 24, 2014
Here's exactly how I set it up:
  • Create new folders /private/wii/app/RSBE/pf/
  • Copy all standard Project M files to /pf/
  • Copy the /BrawlEx/ folder you sent to /pf/
  • Copy the bx_fighter.rel, ft_roy.rel, ft_mewtwo.rel to /module/
  • Copy the common2.pac from the BrawlEx download to /system/, replacing the existing one
  • Open common3.pac in BrawlBox, replace MiscData[13] with the MiscData[13].rel from the CSS Expansion download
  • Open common5.pac in BrawlBox, go to sc_selcharacter_en > MiscData[30], replace the MenSelchrPos files in the 3DModels and AnmChr folders with those from the CSS Expansion download
  • Rename my own RSBE01.gct and copy over yours


Smash Cadet
Sep 21, 2014
Here's exactly how I set it up:
  • Create new folders /private/wii/app/RSBE/pf/
  • Copy all standard Project M files to /pf/
  • Copy the /BrawlEx/ folder you sent to /pf/
  • Copy the bx_fighter.rel, ft_roy.rel, ft_mewtwo.rel to /module/
  • Copy the common2.pac from the BrawlEx download to /system/, replacing the existing one
  • Open common3.pac in BrawlBox, replace MiscData[13] with the MiscData[13].rel from the CSS Expansion download
  • Open common5.pac in BrawlBox, go to sc_selcharacter_en > MiscData[30], replace the MenSelchrPos files in the 3DModels and AnmChr folders with those from the CSS Expansion download
  • Rename my own RSBE01.gct and copy over yours
I did this, and it all worked EXCEPT for the CSSRoster. For some reason, roster did not load :( Any ideas?

Edit: never mind got it to work now. Hopefully after I get a few minor bugs fixed, Project M DIY should be released!
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The fairest of them all
Aug 24, 2014
That's a problem with the clone tool, nothing any of us can do about it. I just avoid it completely because it breaks my stuff so much.


Smash Cadet
Sep 21, 2014
That's a problem with the clone tool, nothing any of us can do about it. I just avoid it completely because it breaks my stuff so much.
Oh, is that so? Well, I'll do the same. I guess I gotta do it the ol' fashioned way :p
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