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Project M 3.6 Netplay and Custom Content on Mac OSX


Smash Rookie
Sep 21, 2015
After a lot of hard work, I have finally been able to install Project M 3.6 Netplay on my Mac. It runs smoothly and plays amazingly. However, I wanted to ask about getting custom content in there. It's probably a noobish question and it might have an obvious solution, but for some reason, I just can't get custom content in there. I have tried modifying the 'fighter' folder and put on some new skins for the fighter, but apparently when I boot it up, the characters stay with the same skins. In fact, at one point, I deleted the 'fighter' folder from projectm (I obviously made a copy) and when booting it up, all the characters were still there, same skins and everything. I have no idea what to do. I am comfortable with my default PM, but it would be nice to get some custom content in there. Please help!!


Smash Rookie
Sep 21, 2015
Thank you for your time Narpas.

I'll use two examples.

The first one is with the Knight Mario skin.

1. So, I open where my Project M folder is located. In there, I have the 'projectm' folder, the Brawl ISO, the Project M 3.6 Netplay ISO, the 'patch' folder, the 'console', 'banners', 'winmd5free' folders, etc.

2. I open the 'projectm' folder, I go to the 'pf' folder, then the 'fighter' folder, and finally, the 'mario' folder.

3. I extract KnightMario.rar somewhere in the desktop, and open the folder. Inside, I rename the 'KnightMario.pac', and 'KnightMario.pcs' to 'FitMario00.pac', and 'FitMario00.pcs'.

4. I move the KnightMario skin files, onto the 'mario' folder and hit replace when prompted.

5. Afterwards, I boot up Dolphin, load up Project M, and Mario still has his regular skin in his first color, both in Training and in Versus.

Something easier, and more foolproof I used was the - Ultimate Brawl Series - which has all of the overpowered versions of the characters in a pack.

1. Same as above

2. Same as above, except that I replace the 'fighter' folder completely with the modded 'fighter' folder

3. Boot up Dolphin, and all the characters are still the same, both in Training as with Versus.


Dec 11, 2013
Wellington, New Zealand
Right, so, you have a PM iso built, and then you add things to the folder? and then you play the ISO?
The ISO, once built, no longer uses the project M folder. It is a disc image itself, the game runs solesy off that.

When you build the netplay iso, it takes a brawl iso and adds the PM files to it, and creates a separate PM iso.
This then runs in dolphin.

What you want to do is put the files in, THEN make the iso using your new project M folder.

Keep in mind, you can't use this on netplay.
The custom content will desync the games. (unless you and your opponent use exactly the same build)

You may want to look into other Dolphin methods for custom content. booting off a virtual SD.


Smash Rookie
Sep 21, 2015
Ooooh, so I have to build a new PM every time I want to add new content?

I don't mind not using that on Netplay, I just use it for experimenting on the Single Players, and Versus.


Dec 11, 2013
Wellington, New Zealand
If you insist on using the iso method, yea, youd have to rebuild a custom iso for each mod.

Or look into making a virtual SD. though im not sure if the programs work on mac, worth a shot though.


Smash Rookie
Sep 21, 2015
Yes! Alright, the ISO method worked like a charm.

I'm looking a bit more into that Virtual SD method, though I don't quite understand it well. I was able to mount the DOLPHINSD on my Mac, but I don't know how to proceed from that.

I don't mind rebuilding the ISO every time I want to try out new content. I mean, it takes a lot of time, but it's better than nothing. I'd love to know about how the Virtual SD works, but even so, thank you so much for helping me out with that Narpas, I really appreciate it.
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