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PrinnyFlute's picks. Or is it an editorial?


Smash Journeyman
Mar 20, 2007
My dastardly (read: dorky,) thoughts on characters and their Brawl chances has spilled over into conversation to the point that it simply can't be helped getting all over the keyboard. I'm sorry it's come to this, really. I've been organizing this list in my head in apparently the same way McFox did his, so I'll just have to go ahead and lay it out as such. I apologize to anyone who stumbles upon this, thinking it might be a worthy read. Well, it just might be, I guess. Y'never know.

I can't especially manage pictures, so I hope Wiki/other links will do!

The Likely

Lucario - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucario

Those intimate with Pokemon Diamond and Pearl, or Lucario's feature film can tell you a lot about this pokemon by his title alone. He's known as the Wave Master Pokemon, originally "Hadou Master." The long and short of this title means that Lucario is more than capable of flinging balls of Hadou around. Or, if you like your Street Fighter like I do, he chucks Hadokens around like there's no tomorrow. Couple this with his fancy, quick footwork and dazzling acrobatics and you essentially have a Hadoken-Throwing Ninja Pokemon. Okay, seriously, 'nuff said, right? If you can stand the animoo-ness of it all, and don't mind having a pokeymanz movie ending spoiled for you (O NOEZ) then you can get a quick glance at some of his action scenes here: (Best I could do on short notice.)


Aside from the cool factor, Lucario's chances of making it into Brawl seem pretty healthy. He recently starred in his own Pokemon movie, and is something of a posterboy for the new Diamond/Pearl generation of Pokemon. His film and game properties make his moveset practically self explanatory-likely something akin to a mix of Mewtwo's B-attacks and everything else from everyone's favorite speed demon, Fox-and there's no way in heck Nintendo wouldn't try to give Sakurai a little hint-hint-nudge-nudge about which new gen PKMN posterboy they want beating up on Mario and Link. Couple these facts with his relative popularity in the polls, and there doesn't seem to be really much reason at all that Sakurai and Nintendo won't strike with this pokemon while the iron is still hot from Diamond and Pearl.

One may actually wonder if Nintendo didn't anticipate a Wii Smash Bros. being a huge system seller and mold one of their new pokemon AROUND the game...

Sonic the Hedgehog - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sonic_the_Hedgehog_(character)

Former rival and speedy hero Sonic weighs heavy on almost any list when it comes to Smash Brawl. He's been around forever, and anybody who hit the scene before or during the Golden 16-bit age has been praying for a Mario/Sonic showdown since the first battlelines were drawn. With a self-explanatory moveset with a lot of room for diversity, who can honestly say playing as the blue blur himself wouldn't be fun?

There seem to be more reason for the hedgehog's inclusion than not, seeing as so many individuals involved with both Sonic and Nintendo seem to love the idea. Miyamoto himself was heard once to say that "Sega's hedgehog would be the perfect addition to Brawl's cast." Let it also be mentioned the humble hedgehog was also reportedly the most requested third party Brawl character. And of course, (sad as it may be,) Sega's relative decline in position since their glory days, and their basic subjugation to Nintendo and other console manufacturers, means that they likely have little reason to refuse in any way, shape or form. Provided money doesn't become an issue, (and we'll just have to hope on that one,) Sonic practically seems a sure deal.

Midna - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Midna

This is actually a character I hadn't considered until earlier today, but when you look at it objectively, all the signs are there. Link's latest saw copies flying off the shelves and helped Wii consoles do the same. Following suit, Brawl's Link is shifting over to the Twilight Princess way of doing things, and it's not far-fetched in the least to say the most charismatic, variable character from the game might jump in the fray as well. Hair-hand based combat? Maybe even a little transforming on the side? Sign me up.


Geno - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geno#Geno

If you've spent any time talking about Smash Brawl at all, you've heard about this controversial guy. Originally an animated action figure/marionette, Geno hailed from The Star Road in SMRPG. His cool disposition and stylish appearance made him a valuable teammate and earned him many fans in his hayday, and now those fans are hoping for the chance to lay some smack down in the arena. His moveset isn't hard to piece together, most of his original attacks being nifty projectile/laser attacks with the occasional detaching fist.

The facts for and against Geno in Brawl logically negate eachother, so there's no real reason not to give this character a 50/50 chance. His huge poll popularity and cult following coincide with Sakurai's wishes for more old, cult-followed or even forgotten characters in the game. Even though SquareEnix holds the rights to Geno, there's no reason for them to not allow Nintendo to use a character they can't even get any money out of anyway. (It's not like Square's going to make a "Geno's Big Adventure" anytime soon.) Unfortunately, it seems the number of third party characters in Brawl is going to stay very, very low, and if Geno ends up classified this way, he may end up left forgotten in the wake of big names like Sonic and Megaman. There's still the possibility that he may be a rare exception, however. Having originally been a Mario-themed character, and with the possibility that Square might easily grant free use of a license they've no use for anyway, you just never know.

Bowser Jr. - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bowser_Jr.

Bowser Jr. (not to be confused with Baby Bowser,) made his first appearance in Super Mario Sunshine. He's a precocious little guy. Maybe even cute. The acrobats he displayed during his short antagonistic stint in that game, however, were nothing short of impressive. Combine that with his skillful wielding of his paintbrush, (Yes, paintbrush,) and you've got a pretty qualified combatant. The only thing bumping this runt down to Maybe is the fact that we can't be sure how many Mario characters are going to be added, or how close to the top of that list he is. When it comes to characters from Sunshine, though, it's safe to say he's the number one pick. Really, who else is more eligible? FLUDD? Random Piantas? Yeah right.

Cel-Shaded Link - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Linkfromtlozww.jpg

A lot of people are looking forward to this Young Link replacement. Simultaneously, many people seem to be wretching at the very thought. However you like your Zelda, the possibility is still there. It's been confirmed that the cel-shaded Link will continue to star in spin-off games, so he's not going away for a little while longer. What it comes down to is whether Sakurai decides the game NEEDS another young Link or not. There is the off chance that he also might go ahead and decide to go through all the work of whipping up a new young Link in the Twilight Princess style, but it seems highly unlikely.

Megaman - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mega_Man_(character)

The Bluebomber himself is an originally NES sired character that seems to fit right in amidst all the chaos of Brawl. Being Capcom's biggest mascot, and one of the biggest symbols of the gaming world in general, he seems an obvious choice. (Almost too obvious, if you ask me.) Having had arguably stale appearances in Capcom fighting games already, it would be more than interesting to see Megaman given a fresh, snappy SSBB makeover. How Capcom would respond to this is honestly up in the air if you ask me, though considering how easily they milk the great Megacashcow, it seems more likely than not--if Sakurai goes down that road.

Tom Nook - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tom_Nook#Tom_Nook

This one seems to illicit a lot of "WTF!?" reactions, and understandably so. Tom Nook is the tricky-yet-fair shop owner from Nintendo's Animal Crossing. At first, the thought of a chibi-Racoon shop keeper bumbling through Brawl is a little startling, but as McFox so deftly put it, something about lots of shovel and fishing based attacks seems a good deal more than entertaining. I mean, c'mon, imagine those stubby legs hoofin' it across a match.

Chocobo/Whitemage/Blackmage/Moogle - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Final_fantasy

Not so much a big conjoining of all these characters, you see. I just wouldn't mind seeing any which one. After their appearances (sans Chocobo,) in Mario Hoops, the FF basic bunch seems an utter shoe-in for explosive combat basics.

Probably Not

MMZ Zero - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mega_Man_Zero_(video_game)

Confused enough yet? This is the version of Zero from the GBA series Megaman Zero, stylistically different than the one from MMX. This version of Zero saw a much more acrobatic, slim version of Zero that would be well suited to a Super Smash match. With a number of weapons to choose from, including the traditional blaster and beam sword, Zero could be a real contender. Unfortunately, if any one Megaman series was chosen for Smash, this likely wouldn't be it.

Tails - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miles_"Tails"_Prower

Honestly, I want this guy in Brawl even more than Sonic! Not as variable or powerful as Sonic, but he can fly, and, well, he's cute! Lots of tail based attacks in store for the potential player, maybe even some wrench throwing, given his mechanical history? A lack of popularity and third party slots limit his chances. In the rare situation where Sakurai does take two Sonic characters, he'd still have to pick Tails over Shadow for it to work out!

Marina Lightyears - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mischief_Makers

Anybody who played and enjoyed Mischief Makers back in the day can easily appreciate this choice. Marina was originally an agile battle 'bot with lots of stuff chuckin' skills. Could you build an entire character around throwing and shaking things? Heck if I know, but it'd be worth a try.

Ayla - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ayla_(Chrono_Trigger)

From the popular classic Chrono Trigger. Frog or Crono is usually the first character to be nominated when it comes to Chrono Trigger, but I can tell you with a straight face that I'll take Ayla's no-holds-barred, prehistoric, bare-handed fighting style over a sword user any day. But then, what's the chance Sakurai would dig up this character out of all the possibilities?

Vaati - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vaati

Okay, honestly, I'm not even that well versed on Vaati. What I know thus far is that he's a Celda antagonist, the second most popular behind Gannon, and he looks awesome in his human form. He's a skilled swordsman and sorcerer, which could make a yet unseen, interesting combination. The only problem here is that in order for Vaati to get in, Celda Link has to already be in the game and then Sakurai would still have to choose to include this villain. While that makes him more of a 'Slightly Unlikely' than a 'Probably Not,' I've tacked him on down here because I'm a bad person.

Completely Impossible

Laharl - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laharl#Laharl

What mindblowing fun it would be to run around as the Overlord of the Netherworld with a sword twice as big as yourself in smash. Laharl, and all Disgaea sword users, come packed with LOADS of awesome moves just ready to tear up the Smash battlefield. Of course, Disgaea is a Playstation only series, so this is indeed impossible. But does it hurt to dream?

Sora - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sora_(Kingdom_Hearts)

Apparently (?) this guy is owned by Disney. And, well, if that's the case...HAH. So much for that. But, anyway, it's honestly a really big shame. Sora's awe-inspiring air combos in KH2 leave so much room for awesomeness in Smash that it's almost impossible to fathom. Especially the dual-wielding parts with the floating keyblades...Holy CRAP.


Smash Master
Nov 16, 2006
Virginia Beach, VA
^^You would be practically crazy not to want MM Zero in Brawl. I'm still hoping Alphonso. Maybe Sakurai will add him......maybe.

I want the Black Mage to be apart of Brawl. I love characters that use Black Magic. HADOKEN!


Smash Ace
Mar 1, 2007
^^You would be practically crazy not to want MM Zero in Brawl. I'm still hoping Alphonso. Maybe Sakurai will add him......maybe.

I want the Black Mage to be apart of Brawl. I love characters that use Black Magic. HADOKEN!
i dont want him in. Sonic and Geno are more deserving for the 3rd party slots.


Smash Lord
Mar 17, 2007
although sonic and geno would be nice, i really want to see at least one hudson soft character in the game. bomberman or master higgins would be perfect for the game. also, although it is unlikely that chocobo makes it into the game, it would be hilarious to play as that chicken. they can use his moves from chocobo rally and that rpg from a long time ago.


Smash Ace
Aug 24, 2006
Lucario is the Pokemon most likly in like you said. But I'm glad you said Bowser Jr. as the next one in. But where is King DEDEDE, It is your list so I shouldn't but in.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 20, 2007
Nothing wrong with at least saying you want a character in, but not as much as X and Y (instead of outright dismissing them.) I'd like to see Blaziken, or Shadow, but they're still lower on my list than the ones I've already noted.

I got the idea for MMZ Zero after seeing a trailer for ZX and remembering how incredibly well he played in his original games. Anybody who's even played a MMZ title for a minute could likely identify that the guy is 100% Smash ready.

As far as the Square characters go, it's really sort of an up-in-the-air choice in my opinion. Even though figures like Megaman and Sonic are such gaming icons, the FF set could arguably be more popular among all types of gamers and just plain considered more 'stylish' and 'in' nowadays. While we all know the classic characters are the obvious choices, that still doesn't mean the Square characters aren't possible choices. Given their recent showdown with Mario characters in Mario Hoops 3vs3, it isn't farfetched to think that these characters -might- actually have the best legal chances of showing up in Smash. But there are still a number of other factors knocking down the possibilities a few pegs, so.

I think some Hudson characters would be a great idea, and probably right up Sakurai's alley. Aside from that, however, I kind of don't feel there's much of an argument for the characters making it in. But then, Sakurai has a way of surprising, so.

Hehe, and yeah. I'm pretty sure Dedede is going to make it in, as he's yet another Sakurai brainchild. Sadly, as much as I love the Kirby series, I've never been much of a Dedede fan. That said, I'll certainly be glad to see him in if he manages it, to complete the Kirby trio at the very least.
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