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Prima Official Game guide Ike profile discussion


Smash Journeyman
Mar 3, 2008
looking for youko and samurai panda at michigan st
Hey guys how's it going i just got the prima guides book for brawl and i would like to share the information with you.

First off i'll start with a quick bio:
He is part of the Crimea's top fighting mercenaries. He may be a quiet man but he is a passionate hero.

Charecter Rating:
Offense- 8 Defense- 7 Projectile- N/A
Final Smash- 4 Throwing ability- 6 Speed- 5 Overall- 6

Next let's talk about the special move breakdown:
Eruption- It can hit one person length away and stun a person into the air. Good to use on preocupied opponents.
Quick Draw- Hold to charge, the longer you charge the father it goes and the more damage you do. It can be used for recovery.
Aether- Recovery move that can work any way in your favor but you can't move far to the sides.
Counter- Used in close combat to counter into a combo.
Final smash Great Aether- Must be close to hit but dosen't KO because it launches them in the air.

So now here is Ike's general strategy:
Ike is very powerful but he is also a very slow charecter as well. His attacks are slow so rely on standard attacks. Aether works for clearing out opponents and hitting some above you. Eruption is to slow to execute so use it when an opponent is vunerable. Use quick draw on close opponents to clear them out. Counter is great to use to start a combo.
Advanced strategy: Start to use the quick draw then cancel and follow up with a smash attack or any other attack. This should confuse an opponent and keep him guessing on what your going to do next.

Ko potential and weight class:
He is a heavyeight and one of the most powerful charecters in the game, residing at top tier in attack power. He may not be that fast but he is the fastest of the heavy hitters.

One vs One
Number one thing is to fight at close range. The problem is your quick draw and eruption are limited. But the quick draw cancel still works well.

Free for all
Ike is better against multible opponents because he can use all of his move in quick conjunction. Counter works well in crowded areas. Aether works well to reover and to attack a group of unexpecting opponents.

Ok so ike is one of my new mains and im kind of impressed on the review prima gave him. The rating though blowed. I mean come on a 6 overall when we know his final smash kills they gave dk a higher final smash score and that only kills if u know how to use it. The fact that they might have lied about the Quick draw cancel makes me wonder what else they might have lied about. For a newcomer the strategies were nice but i think they should have been more specific. So thats what i thoght now what do you think. So really say anything about the review prima gave or anything you want to add or something you want to say about Ike. This thread is open to any discussion about Ike.


Smash Cadet
Mar 19, 2008
i dont think quick draw can be caceled , but if you know how plase tell me how.


Smash Cadet
Feb 8, 2008
I read that about QD in the guide as well (in best buy, one of the guides didn't have a plastic cover on, so I read some of it). I highly oubt that you can cancel QD by pressing B again during the QD, I mean, I've tried it in practice mode at slow speed and it doesn't work. If it worked, then Ike could really easily pull off the "grand viper".


Smash Journeyman
Mar 13, 2008
Yeah the guide is bloody wrong about the cancel I think. Also I have to disagree with their rating of his final smash. For me it KOs a lot. The thing is that it doesn't KO if the enemey is at a low percentage. But if they are at about 40-50% when you initiate, it will kill them. as the move racks up a lot of extra damage so the last blow will often kill. It just doesn't kill at low percents.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 3, 2007
i have that strategy guide as well it blows major chunks. prima has no idea what they are talking about.


Smash Cadet
Feb 14, 2008
To test Prima's suckiness, what does it say about Jigglypuff's rest? If it says it is useless, then they are complete idiots.

I can also say that I have never been able to cancel QD. I have tried multiple times, but never gotten it to work. I don't think I've seen it in a video either.

If someone can successfully cancel Quick Draw, then post a vid. I want to see if it's possible.
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