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Presenting Spike Battle: The Game of Gentlemen


Smash Journeyman
Nov 11, 2008
Somewhere in Nevada...
Link to original post: [drupal=840]Presenting Spike Battle: The Game of Gentlemen[/drupal]

Due to mild interest and positive feedback from that dumb thread I made, I have gotten it into my head that I'm not necessarily going to immediately be flamed as soon as I type out anything.

Now, unlike the topic of that one thread, here's a concept I've kept around in my head for quite some time, so I can go straight through with a blog for this one.

|end lame preface thing|

The era of Brawl is still young, but already the dark clouds of competition are looming ominously overhead, casting long, foreboding shadows over the vast gamescape.

From these clouds thunder metagaming, and rain down debates on the importance of honor or victory. The soul of the gamer is either rotten from embracing ledgecamping and broken characters, or weakened by vain idealistic notions.

In this time of malcontent, one may look longingly back to the old days, where Smashers were Smashers, where there was law, order, and general consensuses about rules of engagement.

To rebuild that former utopia in this lawless era is for wiser heads than mine to decide. But to all those who cannot wait for that time to come, for those frustrated by the Machiavellian spammers, for those annoyed by those whiny johners, for all those who are weary and need a break from the conflicts in the competitive scene, I present to you the ritualistic combat system of gentlemen known as Spike Battle.

Spike Battle is a form of Smashing that combines lofty, idealistic notions with the competitive spirit generated by tournaments. By participating in Spike Battle, a Smasher may yet be able to satisfy their conflicting desires to play "honorably" and yet still display their skill through victory.

The Requirements of Spike Battle (Game Options)

1) A Stage with potential for downward KOs (i.e. not Onett)
2) A Stage with distant vertical and sideways blast lines preferred.
3) Players must choose characters with Meteor Smash Attacks
4) Time Match is optimal

The Requirements of Spike Battle (Player Criteria)

1) Players only count Meteor Smashes.
2) No edgehogging, to follow Rule 1.
3) Time match discourages spamming, ledgecamping, etc.

As you can see, the object of Spike Battle is to get as many Meteor Smash KOs on an opponent as possible in a Timed Match. For this to happen, there must be holes in the floor of the stage, preferably a gaping abyss. Final Destination is a good example. Accidental kills, either vertical or to the sides, are less likely due to far blast zones. Custom stages are also ideal.

In Spike Battle, there emerges several distinct steps that are played through over and over again as Smashers seek to go from 0% to Meteor Smash.

Initially, both players are on the stage. During this step, both players are trying to (A) inflict damage on the other, but not too much to accidentally trigger a non-Meteor Smash KO and (B) get the other player closer to the edge.

Next, both players attempt to get the other player off the stage, preferably both far from the stage and relatively low, without landing a non-Meteor Smash KO. Each player must monitor the other's percentage closely to ensure this, and perform back throws, dash attacks, or other attacks with moderate knockback and low trajectory.

The "final" step is to land the Meteor Smash. This is accomplished by the player abandoning the relative safety of the stage to soar over the abyss and attempt to send their opponent plummeting into said abyss. Things the Spiker must consider during this time are things such as the opponents position, their recovery options based on their position, the area the player's character can feasibly land a spike in and still survive (although survival is optional).

The Recoveree must attempt to either make it back to the stage without getting spiked, or spike their opponent during their opponents own spike attempt.

Most of the time, both characters make it back to the stage, which resets the steps of Spike Battle.

As you can see, Spike Battle challenges a player's skill in areas such as maneuverability (especially off-stage), recovery, timing of spike attacks, the ability to rack up damage with discretion, and a much more prominent focus on the particular aspect of predicting recovery of the opponent.

"Honor" is mandatory in that spamming is disadvantageous to a time battle, will normally end with that character at the edge, and may cause the other character to become "overripe". "Honor" is also a requirement, where a player should not Self-Destruct to reset their percentage, although SDs are acceptable and even encouraged if that player is going for a very unlikely spike.

Spike Battle: The game of gentlemen.

Think about it.


Lacks pick-up lines.
Jun 23, 2006

Spiking/MeteorSmashing is the best way to finish off an opponent.. It looks cool.

Also, strange how the first thing I think of after reading the thread title is TF2 Spy...


Smash Journeyman
Nov 11, 2008
Somewhere in Nevada...
My friends and I don't, but if you all play like that it should still be fun. As long as the edgehog is followed by a spike, that keeps in the general spirit of things.


Smash Lord
Apr 25, 2008
The Forest Temple
Very nice. Very honorable and gentlemanly. Edgehogs must be followed with a spike. Otherwise it of course doesn't count. I feel like the Stage Builder could provide some great potential for excellent spiking stages. Nothing would be awesomer than two opponents at high percent both jumping over a center hole in the stage, both going for the spike. Like a duel, which is also gentlemanly and has been lost to time passing.


Lacks pick-up lines.
Jun 23, 2006
Another question.

Do Ganondorf's/Bowser's side-b suicide kills count? They kill to the bottom too.

It's even more gentlemanlike to go and show the way for the victim, and following behind.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 11, 2008
Somewhere in Nevada...
I wouldn't count them, personally, the reason being that I and certain of my friends would just end up degenerating the match into a Suicide-killfest, which results in a lot of SDs as well as actual kills.

Not to mention that damage isn't a necessity to land a suicide-kill.

But if you have the self-control and you think it works out, go ahead.
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