Firstly anything level 7 or higher in terms of difficulty (which is the only real way to practice a lot of priorities) will result in constant airdodging. The AI hasn't gotten better in the Smash Series. They've gotten generic. You Rest they AirDodge. You Attack they dodge. You try to charge a smash attack they grab. They act as if they are looking at your controller all the time which is unfair in various ways. Next their patterns are ridiculously stupid. Fox will always up-b Under the ledge any moment he can if not he'll jump then up-b or even do it if the ledge is right in front of him leaving him open to easy spikes or back airs. Bots also suck against jumpy characters like Jigglypuff in which they act like you are about to land on the ground in which they have no idea how to respond and instead just try to charge a smash attack leaving themselves awfully vulnerable. Sometimes they'll even roll onto the stage right into a Falcon Punch despite knowing it's going to happen. They don't play offensively and instead wait for you to attack since they have a reaction based AI which is entirely dependent on what you are going to do. Rarely if ever do AI ever try to make convincing offensives. If you just stand there they'll move left and right and duck constantly having no idea what to do for the next 5 seconds. If you attempt rest on them for example they'll air dodge it then just not punish you despite being on the highest difficulty. Overall AI is generic and doesn't yield better training, only combo training really. Practice on Online or Friends or Amiibo they yield better training.