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Practice in fighting games = ruining it for family members???


Smash Cadet
Oct 3, 2015
Hey guys

I just wanted to bring up a topic that has been argued between my brother and I countless times.

I don't even know how to word his argument because it's just so outrageous to me. But I'll try to word it best I cam.

Okay so in Mortal Kombat 9, after we played it for the first time I actually went and practiced my comboes. He didn't. He just spams with his characters. I also practiced mixups and stuff (overheads, low attacks, high attacks, what's safe and what isn't, etc.) I also tend to go to sites like youtube and other places for help on getting better.

He gets annoyed because I practice and he doesn't so I know more complex stuff. He says "Why don't you just not practice so we're on equal playing fields", to which I replied that I like to get good at games, which he doesn't like because he apparently (as he said) doesn't have the patience to do so.

He is also the person to want us to start at the same time and learn the controls, and the first person to learn them has the upper hand. One example is when we played MvC3 and he figured out how to do aerial comboes first, and I went online to find out how to counter it. He was upset because I had to go and look it up, and after I did our win rate became 50/50, instead of like 80/20 when I didn't know how to do so.

I believe that fighting game information should be readily available much like a library, and also that you should get out what you put in, aka, you practice more, you'll get better and, if you don't do anything, you won't know comboes or anything.

I hope I explained it alright. Input, guys?

Edit: He also gets angry because I practice corner comboes and he doesn't like that because he thinks it's gimmicky?? I don't even know. I also use words like "Unsafe on block", which also upsets him because he doesn't look anything like this up. He's older than I am btw.
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TheHappyPickle !

Smash Rookie
May 20, 2016
A house in a place.
I have done this countless times with my family members. We play a lot of fighting games, so we make fun of each other for it a lot aswell. But I feel everyone should practice their combos. I remember when I used to play street fighter a lot on the 360, they would yell at me when I went into training to practice my combos. Or the same thing happens when every I play smash. My brother is one of those people that likes fighting games, but takes it waaaaaay to serious. Like to the point where he would get mad and start hitting people. Me for one I get upset about losing but I don't really care. I'm getting off topic here, but yes it is stupid for your brother to say "Why don't you just not practice so we're on equal playing fields" I feel it is not interesting to watch or to play a game when you are just spamming all of the buttons and not knowing what to do. A game is fun when you know what to do and when to do it. There are some games where it is fun to play without a single bit of information about it, that's at least how I feel about it. Hope I this message kinda helps you or puts my input on what think about the situation.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 18, 2016
You shouldn't feel bad. If your bro can't put in the effort and you have, why get down on yourself? If he wants to keep up & win he has to put the time in.


Through Fire, Justice is Served
Super Moderator
Oct 23, 2008
Beastector HQ
Tell him to practice, MK combos are easy as **** lol.


Smash Cadet
Oct 3, 2015
I have done this countless times with my family members. We play a lot of fighting games, so we make fun of each other for it a lot aswell. But I feel everyone should practice their combos. I remember when I used to play street fighter a lot on the 360, they would yell at me when I went into training to practice my combos. Or the same thing happens when every I play smash. My brother is one of those people that likes fighting games, but takes it waaaaaay to serious. Like to the point where he would get mad and start hitting people. Me for one I get upset about losing but I don't really care. I'm getting off topic here, but yes it is stupid for your brother to say "Why don't you just not practice so we're on equal playing fields" I feel it is not interesting to watch or to play a game when you are just spamming all of the buttons and not knowing what to do. A game is fun when you know what to do and when to do it. There are some games where it is fun to play without a single bit of information about it, that's at least how I feel about it. Hope I this message kinda helps you or puts my input on what think about the situation.
He actually throws stuff at me. And he pretends to throw stuff just to laugh at how jittery I am; I'm sort of a nervous person and flinch whenever someone makes a move to try and throw anything at me. The only time he threw anything potentially dangerous was his phone, which hit me in the shin. Other times it's just a pillow or something, but it's moreso to encourage me to flinch which he finds funny even though it's a problem to me.

You shouldn't feel bad. If your bro can't put in the effort and you have, why get down on yourself? If he wants to keep up & win he has to put the time in.
I wish I could just say that to him but he's really petty about stuff like games. He has a very abrasive and unpredictable personality at times. The sad thing is I have no way to actually go to tournaments or anything; pretty much housebound, and my internet is -okay-, until someone goes to download something in the house, and then boom, lag. I have to play smash at like 1am because that's when everybody's asleep.

Anyway, thanks for your input/advice, guys. Means a lot to know that it isn't just me who thinks he's -completely- unreasonable.


Smash Ace
Jul 2, 2015
East Texas
It honestly sounds like he wants to make excuses and is just a pretty bad sore loser.

He literally has no excuse to not practice or at least figure things out by looking them up. If "he doesn't have the patience" then he shouldn't complain at all about you beating him. If he has the chance to get better but refuses to do so it shouldn't be your fault at all.

However, since you know he doesn't practice you could attempt to level the playing field in some way. I haven't played Mortal Kombat (the newer ones anyways) so I'm unsure if they have a handicap setting. If so then use it, if not then try using characters you aren't that good with. If that's not possible find some other way or form to level it out. If even that fails, or if he gets this massive ego from it then perhaps the both of you shouldn't play the game together. Games are less fun when they create stress and anger rather than, well... fun.

In the end that's still a temporary solution and I know how fun they can be when you're playing with an extra person; however one really shouldn't have to put up with that kind of attitude. Again, he's got a chance to get better but he's just tossing it out the window.

You can't complain if you don't bother to try.
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TheHappyPickle !

Smash Rookie
May 20, 2016
A house in a place.
He actually throws stuff at me. And he pretends to throw stuff just to laugh at how jittery I am; I'm sort of a nervous person and flinch whenever someone makes a move to try and throw anything at me. The only time he threw anything potentially dangerous was his phone, which hit me in the shin. Other times it's just a pillow or something, but it's moreso to encourage me to flinch which he finds funny even though it's a problem to me.

I wish I could just say that to him but he's really petty about stuff like games. He has a very abrasive and unpredictable personality at times. The sad thing is I have no way to actually go to tournaments or anything; pretty much housebound, and my internet is -okay-, until someone goes to download something in the house, and then boom, lag. I have to play smash at like 1am because that's when everybody's asleep.

Anyway, thanks for your input/advice, guys. Means a lot to know that it isn't just me who thinks he's -completely- unreasonable.
Sometimes by brother would punch me, the worst he ever did was choke me and our older had to stop him before I passed out.


I have no friends, Im dead inside
Aug 8, 2011
Being crybaby over a game and in his early 20's im still a teenager i face the fact that i lost.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 6, 2016
tell him to git gud or git rekt

Or use the handicap setting in some fighting games, that helps a lot when I fight my little brother in smash.
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