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potential help required


Smash Cadet
Dec 29, 2008
hatsune miku island =D
ive decided to use mario as my overall main now ive gotten fairly good with him over the passing weeks ive learnt quiet a lot about his play style and read on lots of stratedgy's, styles, match-ups, counter-stage picking but my problem is my mario game is currently lacking.

would anyone be willing to help me out to better my game. i've read the meta game anyalsis twice now :p but im a more practical person than a sit down and read tons guy -_-


when these were recorded (not by me=D) my c-stick was being a little unco-operative shal we say =D

this is a few weeks ago before my mario was even considered my best, any advice apprciated.


Smash Master
Jul 26, 2005
Laval-Ouest, Quebec, Canada
Not much to say here. If you want to get better, you need to develop into a better player overall. You need to be more mindful of your spacing (placing your attacks at the furthest range possible/knowing the range of your attacks well) and timing so that he can't retaliate with one of his moves. You both run into each other's attacks a lot; neither of you seem to try and out-smart the other, you both rush in and throw out attacks and see who comes out on top. Try to bait him into doing attacks (like an airdodge through his ariel, or a sidestep) and then punish him during lag (something Captain Falcon has plenty of).

As for Mario specific stuff, save your FLUDD for more opportune times, don't waste the charge at the first sign of him running at you. Use UTilt a lot more, it juggles Falcon like a beast at low % and gives you a lot of follow ups. Always use Dthrow at low % because it'll set him up for Utilts and Uairs. Use more Uair. Never use Fair close to the ground; even when it hits, any other ariel would have had better results as the landing lag on Fair is too horrendous to do anything with it.

The best solution I can give to helping you out is to find better players near you and play with them more. Otherwise, you're stuck with your local friends to try and feed off of, and they aren't good enough to make you into a better player. Unless they improve, you probably won't improve either.

Bonne chance mon ami. Ca va prend plein de determination.


Smash Cadet
Dec 29, 2008
hatsune miku island =D
ok first of ty ^_^ this is actually what i needed although i fail at mind games 8D.

this was a wifi match not a in person match im not french nor in france but its a god job its one of the 4 languages i know fluently :p hakayami (AIB) recorded these not me (spose i should credit him). im in the UK and the nearest brawler to me would be my bro (who mains MK) then 1 freind irl who has brawl but spams -_- aura balls and homing attack, then after that its a 10mile journey to where i had a tourney once (way back when i used ike) xD

the FLUDD i tend to over do i have better usage of it in some of my recordings(on wii) of which i dont have the appropriate equipment lol

i get stuck at times trying to do those hall of fame combo's i end up doing f-air when its not needed xC
ty again and ill be sure to practice :p
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