A while back before the release of Smash Wii U, I made a little web app thing for showing off your list of characters you were gonna play called PostYourRoster
It was really basic, used the Japanese names since the English version wasn't out yet, and was really cobbled together, making changing or updating it a real nuisance, so I never did.
It was surprisingly popular, and people have asked me a lot to update it over the months, so the other day I decided to completely rewrite it from scratch.
So here you all go, #PostYourRosterHD can be found here http://apps.warchamp7.com/smash/rosterHD/
If you have Twitter, feel free to post yours up with the hashtag too!
It was really basic, used the Japanese names since the English version wasn't out yet, and was really cobbled together, making changing or updating it a real nuisance, so I never did.
It was surprisingly popular, and people have asked me a lot to update it over the months, so the other day I decided to completely rewrite it from scratch.
So here you all go, #PostYourRosterHD can be found here http://apps.warchamp7.com/smash/rosterHD/
If you have Twitter, feel free to post yours up with the hashtag too!