Smash Cadet
This is a little bit hard to explain so i'm going to just jump right in to it,
The way this is going to work is i'm going to post a song and then another person is going to listen to it and rate it from 0/10 and then post there own song and so on,
There are only 2 rules though:
-All songs have to be less then 10:30
-Unless its been 2 days try not to reply to every song that pops up, It's better if everyone can rate each other
and not just one person posting every other time.
I'm going to start this off with my favorite song that isn't game music:
The way this is going to work is i'm going to post a song and then another person is going to listen to it and rate it from 0/10 and then post there own song and so on,
There are only 2 rules though:
-All songs have to be less then 10:30
-Unless its been 2 days try not to reply to every song that pops up, It's better if everyone can rate each other
and not just one person posting every other time.
I'm going to start this off with my favorite song that isn't game music: