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Possible new technique/combo thing...iono


Smash Rookie
Aug 20, 2007
California, SF
Sup my MK brahs, not sure if this will be new or of any help to you but I kinda came up with a trick thing, maybe you guys will like, use it, maybe not. You guys might even know about it already, but whatever here it is, too late to take my post back, and I checked other threads, just maybe not as thorough as I should have, but oh well.

It's basically, you do Shuttleloop (^B) and after the main animation is over, you dive towards the ground and cancel your glide, right before you hit the floor, (too cancel just press Down B or maybe just B, iono 4got.) but anyways if you do it correctly without pressing anything afterwords you should bounce off the ground (kinda high, but not that high). When you bounce though is the key part, because it leaves you with a lagless opportunity to do either B or DownB right after you begin to bounce, probably even another UpB, havent tested it yet. I tried drill rush out of it, but it didnt seem enhanced in anyway, maybe I'm not doing it fast enough, but w/e. Haven't test UpB either.

But yeah, you can even do it out of the glide attack from your Shuttleloop, but theres more lag a believe.

Don't know if this is worth your time but, here's a vid. reply if you want to comment on anything about it, but w/e its kool either way!



Smash Journeyman
Mar 10, 2008
Are you just talking about pressing B or JUMP to cancel the Glide when near land? It has virtually zero "lag" (negative frames) so you can go into anything. This is common knowledge.

I made a video suggesting the 3+ Shuttleloop 'spam' to 'abuse' this technique, just for fun: http://youtube.com/watch?v=WsnrzYvsYBY

Of course, you can cancel the Glide (normal glide and SL's glide) just the same.
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