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Possible Mind Games?


Smash Journeyman
Aug 29, 2007
I wrote something similar to this on the Ike boards, but I just found this interesting for Yoshi too so I figured whats the harm in posting it.

So you know that if you initiate attacks really close to your landing you can cancel it before the hitbox, right? Well I found that this can be put to some (though probably not that much) use. Yoshi can use this cancel in a couple of ways, I believe.

Yoshi has a very slidy landing, right? Well if you use dair (IMO Yoshi's easiest cancelled move) you can do several things.

1- You can jump, and land, doing an usmash right? Well what if you don't want to keep that momentum? You simply cancel the aerial as you land, which puts you in a standing position, and dash/hyphen smash the opposite direction.

2- Using dair as your cancel, with momentum you jump to a notable distance away from your opponent and cancle, which will slide you forward a slight bit and initiate a dsmash. You should have some of your slide momentum propelling you forward a bit.

3- Pivot grabs- This is the least clear to me but it seems as simple as canceling the move and doing a normal pivot grab. The thing is, I've gotten Yoshi to remain still for this, slide backward AND slide forward, but I have no idea how to recreate any of these resulting directions (its usually random) as my timing for button input is subpar.

Either way, nothing too big here, but I thought it deserved some spotlight


Smash Rookie
Oct 22, 2008
I'm confused. How will I get the free online games?

*Youko-edit*: Link edited out


Smash Rookie
Jan 31, 2009
Y Island
hey this could be a possible mindgame, it works for me on aggressive players
Run opposite direction and do a reverse egg roll, break the egg after contact to a bair, then follow up by land cancelling and upsmash.
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